Canada Politician Wants Casinos and Brothels in Toronto to Help Budget


Posted: March 29, 2011

Updated: October 4, 2017

Toronto Canada, has a $748 million budget gap and one city councilor proposes to legalize gambling, poker, brothels, drugs and all other

The City of Toronto, Canada, has a $748 million dollar gap in its budget and few have a clear idea on where to find this large sum of money.

Toronto’s city councilor, Giorgio Mammoliti, considered an eccentric by some, proposed a number of unusual ways for the city to raise the required revenues and prevent the shutdown of social services.

The councilor has proposed to convert Toronto Islands into a red-lights style district using Amsterdam, Netherlands as a model complete with casinos, huge Canadian poker rooms, brothels, nude beaches, marijuana shops and even legalized street racing. The councilor explains – “My idea is to invite the city’s marijuana users for the world’s largest toke fest, a ticketed event which will be held weekly.”

The proposed red-lights district islands will even house a “Gladiator Coliseum” where everyone who chooses could fight in an Ultimate Fighting Championship Style MMA combat ring. Councilor Mammoliti explains – “Let’s build a state-of-the-art coliseum where pissed-off Torontonians can settle their disagreements in the octagon, and everyone else can take in the action from the stands.”

Councilor Mammoliti wants Canadian gambling laws modified by justifying that casinos ‘being in huge revenues and cause property taxes to go down, making a win/win situation.’

As Councilor Mammoliti explains - “Toronto will become like Amsterdam. Tourists will visit from all over just to see it. To put it in an area away from the city make sense and the islands fit the bill since we’re not making a penny from them. I will raise the issue with the mayor shortly.”

Analysts blame the budget shortfall on a huge influx of illegal immigrants who are instantly given free housing, education, medical care, food as well as a monthly stipend by the generous Canadian government.
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