Manafort and Cohen Betting Specials


Posted: December 17, 2018

Updated: October 25, 2022

Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years. Meanwhile, Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is facing multiple charges. In Cohen’s case, a presidential pardon is unlikely. Whereas, betting on Trump to pardon Manafort anytime soon is strongly recommended. Check out the freshest Manfort and Cohen betting specials:

The charges on both former Trump aides are related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia interference in the 2016 election. According to online sportsbook news in Sweden, Cohen and Manafort have seemingly adopted different strategies. Michael Cohen has chosen to cooperate with law enforcement, while Manafort is holding out for a pardon.

If you wish to place a wager, Manafort and Cohen betting specials are available until December 31 at 22Bet Sportsbook.

Manafort and Cohen Betting Specials

Event Odds
Donald Trump to pardon Manafort 6
Donald Trump to pardon Cohen 34

Cohen Chose to Plead Guilty

Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison

Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison on December 12. He will surrender himself to the authorities by 6 March 2019. Cohen pleaded guilty on lying to Congress about his involvement in a plan to build a Trump Tower in Moscow in 2016. He also pleaded guilty about payments he made in 2016 to two women who allege they had affairs with the president.

Cohen has chosen to cooperate instead of going to trial where he could have faced to 65 years of prison. That obviously damaged his relations with the President and therefore a pardon appears highly unlikely. On December 3, Trump tweeted that he believes Cohen deserves to do hard prison time, “He lied for his outcome and should, in my opinion, serve a full and complete sentence”. However, Cohen pardon betting odds are still available at 22Bet Sportsbook.

Trump favors Pardoning Manafort

Paul Manfort
Manafort was charged with multiple crimes

On the other hand, Manafort was charged with multiple crimes but he chose to hedge his bets in court rather than cooperate. Manafort faces at least a decade behind bars and remains jailed while waiting his sentence in February 2019. His charges are related to money laundering, and tax and bank fraud.

Now Manafort’s only hope to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison is a presidential pardon. President Trump said in an interview to The New York Post, “It was never discussed, but I wouldn’t take it off the table. Why would I take it off the table?”. President Trump also accused Mueller of coercing Manafort to lie and called Manafort “brave” for not flipping.

Trump Pardoned Nine People So Far

The pardoning power is very broad, applying even to cases of treason against the United States. As online sportsbook news in Sweden have stated, the president can grant pardon for any reason, and his act is final and irrevocable. The pardon may be exercised at any time, either before legal proceedings or after conviction and judgment. President Trump has pardoned nine people so far. He can pardon both Manafort and Cohen as long as their crimes were federal ones.

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