Oldest Sports In The World From Thousands Of Years Ago


Posted: June 18, 2022

Updated: June 18, 2022

  • Sports are as old as time!
  • From survival skills to pastime activities!
  • Check out our list of oldest sports in the world!

The purpose of sports is to exercise, compete, have fun and achieve results. That was the case thousands of years ago, but it is still the same today. We have collected the oldest sports in the world. It is not easy to decide what counted only as a hobby and what meant more, but in the end, we narrowed it down to the following physical activities. Let’s see how people spent their free time hundreds of years ago!

Sports have always been an essential part of humanity, as it greatly improves the quality of life. It is well-known that everyone should play sports regularly to stay fit. Nowadays, there are plenty of exercise and training options to choose from, so you can easily find the one you like. However, it looked different in the beginning, as they practiced far fewer sports and in different circumstances. So let’s take a look at the oldest sports in the world that still millions do today!

Fighting is Ancient

Fighting is as old as time and has plenty of types. Wrestling and bare-knuckle fighting are only two, but these are among the oldest sports in the world. Of the classic sports, perhaps wrestling was the first to emerge. People started wrestling as a pastime. Mesopotamian stories often featured wrestling as an activity resolving conflicts and determining the better fighters. The sport was also a recurring element in Greek mythology, Egypt’s history, and then part of the ancient Olympics. 

The purpose is that the wrestlers have to use various techniques to pin the opponent flat on their back. Check it out at online sportsbook sites in Greece! Wrestling is pretty dangerous, but it has nothing on bare-knuckle boxing in terms of brutality. Nothing shows it better than Justin Thornton’s case, where after suffering a KO loss, he died last year. This sport was among the first because it does not require equipment, only technique, strength, and agility matter. 

Martial arts have also been around for thousands of years, although it is the opposite of bare-knuckle boxing. The purpose of most martial arts is to make peace and find balance. The term includes several types, but the most popular and oldest sports in the world are Kung-Fu, Karate, Aikido, etc. However, when it comes to fighting, the same goes for each one! Practice makes perfect, and humility will take you further! 

Oldest Sports in The World – Archery

Archery, being part of the hunting process, became widespread as an activity thousands of years ago. After a while, they began to measure who performed better at aiming. Archery was classified as one of the oldest sports because archeologists found evidence on Stone Age drawings in the Libyan desert. They also kept track of who did better and celebrated the winners in their way.

The first written signs and physical evidence of archery are from 50,000 years ago, which makes it one of the oldest sports in the world. As time went on, this form of activity appeared on almost every continent. These are the roots of the sport we know today. If we look at archery in the modern sense, it was already there at the 1900 Paris Olympics. However, after a long break between 1920 and 1972, they put it back into the program and have been part of it ever since. 

Archery served as a betting purpose as well. Other than a hunting and fighting tool, it was a fun pastime for centuries, and what is more entertaining than watching a competition? Placing bets on the best participants! The wagering system has changed over time, but the goal is the same. Check out the upcoming archery betting options at Bet20 Sportsbook

Just Keep Swimming …

It’s nothing new that humans learned to swim thousands of years ago, but its only function was to adapt to the circumstances. So, of course, it’s an ancient activity, but as for its interpretation as a sport, the Stone Age drawings make the first reference to it. It is proof that swimming was not only a means of survival but also a beneficial pastime activity and a hobby. Swimming was also popular in ancient Egypt, which is no coincidence. 

Since they built the empire around the Nile, the water conditions were perfect for the development of the sport. It’s a fun fact that swimming skills were the measure of intelligence and education in ancient Greece. So, those who could not swim could not engage in public activities. Even though it is one of the oldest sports in the world, it was not part of the Ancient Olympic Games, but it is one of the most popular modern events according to online sportsbook sites in Greece!

Oldest Sports in The World

Unsurprisingly, running is also an ancient sport. There is no need to tell why. Since humans straightened up and walked on two legs, running became a skill. With time, running became the measure of endurance and strength. A running race solved conflicts and matters many times. For example, in the Maya culture, the suitors had to run a particular distance with a mouthful of water. The fastest runner who spilled or swallowed less water won the girl.

In terms of equipment, this is the easiest sport available for everyone, as it only requires a pair of running shoes. Anywhere, anyone anytime can start running or jogging. By the way, this is one of the best calorie-burning cardio workouts. There are several types of running, such as orienteering, fartlek training, interval running, etc. Check out our article about epic foot races in the world that will make your jaw drop!  

Our History was Written On Horseback

Riding is not just one of the oldest sports in the world but a unique relationship between riders and horses. Archeologists believe that the first riders came from the nomadic tribes of Russia, and horses likely appeared in that region for the earliest time. The role of horses was clear in antiquity. They were not just means of transportation but trained companions they could rely on. 

Greeks and Romans considered horses superior animals. According to Bet20 Sportsbook, Xenophon’s book, About Riding, is the oldest book describing how to ride was from ancient Greece, for instance. From Alexander the Great to the colonization of America, without horses, nothing could have been done. As you can see, the history of humans is linked to horses. Those who could ride well enjoyed the respect of society. 

The Epsom, or Kentucky Derby, is probably the most profitable horse race in the world since people started organizing them specifically for betting purposes. Chariot racing, show jumping, cross country, etc., are just a few types of horseback riding that thousand of people practice and wager on today. Check out the whole list of horse racing events at online sportsbook sites in Greece!

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