Police Cannot Find Expert Gang Robbing French Casinos

Posted: May 16, 2011

Updated: October 4, 2017

A string of casino robberies in France continues with the tenth establishment taken down in Aix-en-Provence

A month has passed since the masked gang of six men wielding high power AK-47 assault rifles robbed its 10th casino within a year. Police so far have no suspects or clues leading to an arrest. Journalists however are awaiting the the next robbery, which should be taking place within the next two weeks if the robbers stick to their past schedule.

During last month's robbery, according to French gambling news, at least six masked men armed with Kalashnikov (Ak-47), automatic rifles walked inside the casino in Aix-en-Provence. Without firing a single shot, they managed to walk away with over 100,000 Euros in cash. The Robbers arrived in two stolen cars, entered the premises and went directly for the funds, incapacitating the security guard with a well placed blow from the automatic rifle's butt.

Sources close to the investigation revealed that the expert criminals were almost certainly well informed of where and how much money was currently held inside the casino. This is the tenth casino attack in France over the past twelve months. The string of robberies began in April 2010 in Lyon. It's the single most impudent series of attacks on legal casinos operated under French gambling laws in over 14 years.

The Aix-en-Provence prosecution entrusted the robbery investigation to a special police unit created to combat strong arm banditry. The special unit is already knee deep in in their investigation of a different casino robbery which took place in the town of Cassis the past February. Even though police would not comment, there are rumors that the world renowned Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau is possibly coming out of retirement to personally take over the investigation.

The number of visitors recorded by French casinos during the Q1 of 2011 has dropped. Underworld operated internet sportsbooks in France are offering excellent odds that one of the next three robberies committed by the gang will end in a horrific blood bath. The French, known throughout the world for their combat prowess, have decided to save their strength for a worthier battle and began signing up for online casinos in France in record numbers.

Playing from the comfort of one’s home is more convenient as there isn't a need to make a lengthy trip in traffic just to sit next to some foreigner smelling of soap and deodorant and not the natural body odor as any civilized man knows. Online casinos in France as in the rest of the world also do not accept cash deposits or offer cash withdrawls so there is lttle chance of getting robbed while playing at an online casino unless its a home invasion.
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