Pro Gambling Annual Salary In 2023 – Short Analysis


Posted: May 16, 2023

Updated: May 16, 2023

  • How to get cash with gambling
  • Should you quit your job?
  • Pro gambling annual salary in 2023
It’s time to talk about the pro-gambling annual salary in 2023. Therefore, there are many ways to make the life of a gambler miserable. For example, getting kicked out of a casino for card counting is not so pleasant. Furthermore, the life of a gambler comes with the role of a lone wolf. But if you feel like the digital world can help you. Then maybe at least you should start documenting your gambling games and teach others. It can get you some revenue.

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Are you an expert gambler who figured out the secrets of the craft? Are you tired of your job? I highly recommend you check out the pro-gambling annual salary in 2023. But before you take drastic action, please evaluate the weight of reality. Because pro gamblers are not partying the whole day. Most pro gamblers don’t even have as many followers as commercial gamblers make it look like. Because the social media of the industry is just a facade. In reality, we barely know the names of the people who make an active living by gambling. If you are not ready to travel the world of casinos and online casinos. Then you should register at some of the online poker sites in the UK. This article is collecting the official information for you. Furthermore, I am going to talk about the dark side of the professional lifestyle.

Pro Gambling Annual Salary In 2023

According to Glassdoor the average annual salary of a professional gambler is $39,886. This means that a professional gambler makes as much as a restaurant manager. Is this a good number? Yes, definitely. However, it takes real work. Because the life of a pro gambler is not going to feel glamorous for long. When something turns into a career, the magic will be over.
Pro gambling annual salary in 2023
Picture Source: Flickr
Most of the fun moves will turn into silent automation. Furthermore, sharing your secrets will be equal to creating competition. This is why a gambler’s path is a lonely road. People you play with praise you for your ability to hide feelings and manipulate others. Therefore, professional gamblers will always have a certain personality that is questionable by society. On the other hand, they are always modern and cool. If you want to start gambling register at Bet365 Poker.

The Unethical Hustler’s Techniques

Before we start to talk about the pro-gambling annual salary in 2023. First, let me talk about the sad truth about hustlers. Because there are two types of gamblers. One is like the Sith of Star Wars, using the dark force of manipulation. However, the other ones are ethical gamblers who have fun at dedicated tournaments. What I am trying to say is that the richest gamblers in the world are not rich due to gambling. They get their ~40K annual salaries from professional gambling. However, they are building a social media brand, they write books and create engaging half-true stories. Even worse, some tend to manipulate rich casino enjoyers by making them think they are beginners too.

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€365 redeemable bonus. €365 bonus is redeemed in instalments based on Status Points earned. Tickets and prize wheel spins expire after seven days. Time limits, exclusions and T&Cs apply. For more information about this offer please visit the website.

The Ethical WSOP Champion

Now that we know about the average pro-gambling annual salary in 2023. Let’s talk about the bright side of the spectrum. Because there are WSOP championship fans. These guys collect together and have healthy competition with each other. However, they keep creating digital content and networking with each other. According to Bleacher Report, a total of $80,782,475 is distributed between the WSOP winners. Therefore, the first place receives $10,000,000. While they do not manipulate beginners, they have their unique skills. For example, they each have a quirky personality. Because the best ones will become TV or at least streaming personalities as well. They will receive invitations to different poker shows.

The Life With The Pro Gambling Annual Salary In 2023

According to Reddit, a user shared his professional gambling experience 13 years ago. This lifestyle has not changed anything ever since. Online methods became safer and quicker. The professional atmosphere cheats a little less. But generally, the same problems prevail. To summarize his AMA, I am going to give bullet every important detail from it:
Pro gambling annual salary in 2023
Picture Source: Wallpaper Flare
  •  He had an 80K to 100k annual income (13 years ago)
  • He recommends starting with “The Griffin Book” and networking to become professional.
  • The hardest part of gambling is to leave the family behind. Because they can not always travel with you.
  • He claimed that pro gamblers will have to use disguises and fake IDs.
  • Furthermore, getting kicked out of places and having trouble with the police will stop being fun after the first year.
  • His biggest win was $57,000. However, his greatest losses were 2x $40,000

The Sportsbetting Lifestyle

The pro-gambling annual salary in 2023 has much more possibilities than just playing poker and card games. For example, there are professional bettors with exceptional skill at predicting sport event outcomes. These people are less about scamming, and more about investing and strategic thinking. They understand EV bets and can spot things. What describes a general professional gambler is the discipline of a monk. However, instead of focusing this discipline on religious ethics, they channel their focus and energy on patterns and behaviors. The reason why I recommend betting above all is the whole culture of it. For example, Bet365 taxes in the UK have reached top tax returns. 

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€365 redeemable bonus. €365 bonus is redeemed in instalments based on Status Points earned. Tickets and prize wheel spins expire after seven days. Time limits, exclusions and T&Cs apply. For more information about this offer please visit the website.

Peak Of Pro Gambling Annual Salary In 2023

To conclude, the peak poker gambling annual salary goes roughly ~$40.000. However, based on the extra activities you do as a business, this can multiply. Winning the WSOP can add another $10k. Having an active youtube channel can increase this up to $80k. Furthermore, selling courses and books can also create a rather awesome income. Generally, if you are a professional poker player who lives alone. Then the world is your bank to amass and increase. However, first I recommend you also check out the poker dealer salary. Because the house always wins. And those who live in the house will remain safe.

Where To Play?

If you are living in the UK my best advice is to register at Bet365 Poker. This title is widely trusted and of course, you can see the company. They are transparent about the leadership, the charity, and the partners. Therefore, they are one of the go-to gambling platforms for most online gamblers. And as we all know, online gambling has taken over events such as the WSOP or Pokerstars. In conclusion, I highly recommend you do not quit your job just yet. But if you find yourself making at least half of the cash every year you’d make from your job? Then maybe it’s time to change careers or at least get a digital business involving gambling.

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