Bet on the Rivalry of PS5 and Xbox Scarlett – PS5 News Picture Sony’s Flawless Success


Posted: February 12, 2020

Updated: February 13, 2020

  • They Still Didn't Announce PS5 and Xbox Scarlett Release Date
  • The Rivalry Between the Two Company is Bloodier Than Ever
  • You Can Bet on Which Console Will Be the More Succesful
New consoles are coming to town. They will release the new PS and Xbox this year and everyone is buzzing around the topic. It’s have been a serious rivalry between Sony and Microsoft since the very beginnings. Let's make the biggest contest of the video game market even more exciting. Now, you can bet on that PS5 or Xbox Scarlett will make more sales in the UK in the first month after their release. PS5 News is very promising, so, in the battle of next-gen consoles, PlayStation seems to be the shoo-in. To be true, we don’t really hear any facts about PS5 and Xbox Scarlett yet, mostly rumors. No one has a clue about the announcement date, however, the release date is expected in the next Holidays. PS5 news is mostly about the company aims and about the relations of the big game-developer companies. At this moment, people, therefore, online gambling news in the UK as well are more interested in the question: Which company makes a better product this time Sony or Microsoft? Both platforms will be around €500. Also, there will be no significant differences in quality or performance. How can we decide which one is more worthy? Democracy time! The company that sells the more consoles in a month wins! If you are not excited yet, you can also wager on this topic at 22BET Sportsbook.

PS5 News is all about the new era of video games – Can Xbox Scarlett surmount Sony this time?

The greatest update that we heard from the PS5 news brings virtual entertainment to a brand new level. The new consoles will include an even stronger engine than the PS4 Pro, but, that’s just the peak of the iceberg. There will countless extra features like the new CPU-GPU system which lets the games use the same visual effects as the highest-budget Hollywood movies. 8K gaming will be also a thing. So, if you didn’t have an 8K TV yet, try your fortune at 22BET to win enough to establish a proper home entertainment center.
Képtalálatok a kövps5 news, sportsbooks, weird bets, betting odds, betting predictions, betting tips, online gambling sites in the uk, gamingzion, 22bet, bet on PS5 vs Xbox, PS5, Xbox Scarlett, Xbox series X, sony, microsoft, next console, ps4, PlayStation,etkezőre: ps5
We still didn't hear anything about the new VR features - Image source: Flickr

PS5 News and 22BET Sportsbook are agreed on that Sony will rule the contest

Just to clarify, based on the surveys there are more gamers in the UK who more into PlayStation than Xbox. There are plenty of reasons why. In my opinion, the biggest advantage of Sony's offer is that their products look much better than Microsoft’s. To be true, the two consoles list a lot of brand new features. However, if we compare them, we won’t see a real difference. At this moment, with the available information, it seems like PS5 News is right about their expected success. The odds on Sony at 22BET to surmount Xbox with PS5 in the first month sales are 1.288.

Xbox Series X still has a chance to dominate PS5 if they put some extra features or hack the market

So, the two developers are offering two different products with the same performance. If one of them is more popular how the other can surmount it in a battle for a dominant position on the market. The answer is simple. Just hack the market itself. I don’t think that Microsoft will offer lover price for the Xbox Scarlett than Sony for PS5. Thus, their only chance to use a brutal marketing strategy or if they add some extra features or accessories that PlayStation doesn’t have. The odds on that Microsoft will have more sales are 3.5 at online sportsbooks in the UK. It seems like 22BET and the others not really trust in the success to come to Microsoft’s house.

Backward Compatibility is the most anticipated new feature in both consoles

What makes all the PS5 News and Xbox rumor viral is the lovely new feature that both developers promised to include in their new product. If it’s not just a rumor (none of the CEOs confirmed yet), both consoles will be able to read the previous games. It’s sure that both of them will be compatible with the previous console’s software but some PS5 News even declares that the new system will also read the original PS disks (yeah that means PS1). A lot of sources told the same about Xbox that it will also be able to run the old programs. Until you wait for further announcements, place your wagers at 22BET on your favorite console. Put some oil on the fire of the rivalry between the two biggest names of the video game industry.
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