Rooster Kills People on Cockfighting Event


Posted: January 22, 2020

Updated: January 22, 2020

  • Rooster kills people in India
  • Rooster kills people in California

Rooster kills people in India. Thus cockfighting is illegal at most of the places, there are always cases for people to go around rules. While cockfighting is a deeply despised way of animal cruelty, there are still people who attend these events. This time they got instant karma. One of the cocks could break free and wounded many and killed one of the spectators. I wouldn’t say that I don’t feel sorry for this person. I feel sorry about this whole situation. Unfortunately, there are many forms of aberration that are accepted around the world and cockfighting is one of them. I just can’t accept calling it a tradition as an excuse.

While people could easily find normal ways to do some gambling through online sportsbooks in the US, sometimes they decide to go on with old, barbaric methods. Funny thing is that this is not the first case in history where a rooster kills people on cockfighting events. However, it’s way more common that people are killing roosters on these events.

How does a rooster kill people on a cockfighting event?

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If these cocks are unleashed, these guys are in serious danger. Azim Azimzade [Public domain]
Well, the question is right, but as soon as you do some research about this cruel “sport” (why would you do that?), there is the horrifying fact, that blades are attached to the roosters’ legs. The latest case was happening a few days ago in India. At an event there a bird managed to escape from the grasp of one of the organizers. Being armed with the blades the burd injured one of the spectators so badly, that he died after a short period of time on the scene.

The industry behind cockfighting

Besides the unlucky man who lost his life enjoying this tradition, many others were injured during the celebration of Makara Sankranti. However, it is possible that this is still not enough to shut done these events (besides being illegal in the country for 60 years now). Due to the huge amount of money that are gamblers investing in the cockfights, the competition to “train” birds that can be potential champions is huge. There are also reports that trainers are doping the birds with steroids.

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Why did the chicken cross the road? For some steroids, you silly. Image Source Andrew Gatt, Flickr

The other case when a rooster kills people happened 8 years ago

So if it would come into your mind that Indian people are barbaric. I’d like to inform you that 8 years ago pretty much the same thing happened in California. A 35-year-old man, José Luis Ochoa was dying in the hospital after suffering his injuries near Tulare. It also adds something to the story, that maybe he lost his life due to the delay of medical attention. If you are running illegal blood sports you hardly want any attention, especially in the form of authorities.

Reading our online sportsbook news sites in the US, you can find out which sites are legal in your area. 8 years ago it was legal to make online bettings on cockfighting in the Philippines. However, no worries you will not find any cockfighting today. A an alternative, you can try some methods to win at horse racing or the lottery.

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