Singaporean Money Wheel Dealer Gets Five Years For Cheating


Posted: September 13, 2012

Updated: October 4, 2017

Singaporean Marina Bay Sands casino’s cheating money wheel dealer gets five years in prison

A legal case is keeping busy those who are interested in the Singapore gambling news. A former casino dealer at Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands is charged with helping to cheat S$31,500 from his former employer.

The man charged with corruption, money wheel dealer Kenneth Lim Khan Lerk has worked closely together with Marina Bay Sands pit supervisor Keith Yong Kee. The criminal ring also involved a gambler named Steven Tan Tiong Loon, a person rumored to often bet on sports in Singapore.

According to a report on AsiaOne, the scam started in October 2010. Pit supervisor Yong manipulated the wheel’s motion with his fingers to have gambler Tan’s bets come out. Dealer Lim noticed the cheat originally, and according to him, his first thought was to report it to his superiors.

The two participants (the Gambler and the Supervisor, just like in a title of a movie) persuaded Lim (a.k.a. the Dealer) to keep his mouth shut. The 1,000 dollars could possibly have helped Lim to accept the offer. Soon Lim, a few minutes later, that is - returned to demand another $2,000.

When Gambler and the Supervisor decided to try the scam for a second time, Lim demanded a staggering amount $7,000 to close his eyes and seal his lips. Finally, the casino’s security caught the gang and handed them over to the authorities.

Singapore’s criminal laws are legendarily harsh, and the same is true for the Singaporean gambling laws. It is interesting to notice the difference between the sentences. Yong, the supervisor who manipulated the wheel got six months in prison. Gambler Tan was sentenced to ten months.

Lim, the dealer got a shocking five years. Five years, not months. On top that, he might have to pay a fine up to $100,000 on each of the three counts against him.
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