Will We Ever Watch Sepak Takraw In The Olympics?


Posted: March 3, 2017

Updated: October 6, 2017

As of today, it is not one of the most popular or well-known sports in the world, but will we ever be given the joy to be able to watch sepak takraw in the Olympics?

Sepak Takraw is one of the most interesting and spectacular sports you will ever see. It brings together football and volleyball with tons of impressive moves from the players. If you want to learn more about sepak takraw rules and all you need to know, take a look at one of our former articles explaining all about this fascinating game.

If you’re more of the type who likes to make revolution doing basically nothing, but still you’re interested in the game itself, we recommend you to check out the sepak takraw mobile app. We wrote a bit more about that right here. Unfortunately we still can’t give you any online sportsbooks in Thailand which you could use to bet on sepak takraw. But don’t you worry! They’re coming soon.

US movement to bring sepak takraw in the Olympics!

While sepak takraw betting is still not an option, it is unlikely to see sepak takraw in the Olympics. However, the game is gaining more and more popularity thanks to its truly spectacular movements. Sepak Takraw has already been introduced to the US public as a new sepak takraw field has been implemented in Minnesota.

The Asian sport’s committee in the USA has been granted quite a nice amount of money. The goal is to make it more and more popular. There will be new sepak takraw teams as well as sepak takraw leagues launched in the USA in the near future. Should they gain enough popularity, we might even have the luxury of being able to bet on sepak takraw at online sportsbooks and see sepak takraw matches – maybe even at the Olympic Games!
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