Top 7 Best Things To Do In Hungary – Baths, Restaurants, Events


Posted: November 27, 2023

Updated: November 27, 2023

  • Gambling and culture in Hungary
  • Hungarian baths and restaurants
  • Top 7 best things to do in Hungary

We have compiled a list of the top 7 best things to do in Hungary. If you are interested in some of the most interesting pieces of Hungarian culture, then join us! You are going to find out the greatest quirks of this Balkan country surrounded by mountains. No matter if you enjoy skiing, hiking, beaches, or festivals. Hungary is going to serve you everything, crowned by the city-life gambling next to the medieval castles.

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Today we are going to give you our list of the top 7 best things to do in Hungary. This is a list compiled by a Hungarian for tourists who are about to visit! We have many different breathtaking sights and amazing social events. However, these are probably the biggest ones. Keep in mind that we have excluded some of the most famous things that are going to be first recommended anywhere you try to search such as the Heroes’ Square.

In conclusion, if you are interested in Hungary, then feel free to immerse yourself in the visit. And if you just wish to stay in your hotel? All you have to do is register at the online gambling sites in Hungary and you can kill time while waiting for something to happen!

7. Thermal Baths – Top 7 Best Things To Do In Hungary

Let us start with one of our greatest features. These are our Roman thermae. Hungary used to be a part of the Roman Empire, and obviously, this has left a hint of Roman heritage in our lands. We all know that Roman thermal bath architecture was outstanding, and they were religiously worshiping warm water.

There are mysterious writings like the Voynich Manuscript which most likely describe the art of medicine and thermal baths. According to Thermal Hungary, we have roughly 230 thermal baths available all over the country. If you are from a country that never met Roman culture, then the Thermae is going to be the first destination. Then you can chill in your hotel while you are registering at Hugo Casino.

List of Thermal Baths In Hungary

6. Castles And Fortresses

Moving on to another architectural wonder. In Hungary, we have countless castles and fortresses to visit. One of the top 7 best things to do in Hungary is to visit the oubliette in the Castle District of Buda. Or perhaps to visit the Citadel in Budapest. Furthermore, we have countless castles scattered all over Hungary. These are all a piece of national treasure, and some of them became museums to preserve their historic value.

Many of these structures became abandoned, but well-cherished sites. In conclusion, these are the places that belong to the common folk, and most of the time they became a hang-out for those who enjoy the gigantic nature of the past. Take a look at the online casinos accepting HUF, because in some of these places, you can even walk freely!

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5. Sports And Dining – Top 7 Best Things To Do In Hungary

While sports and dining have nothing to do with each other. We all know how sports events go. We go there, we have some drinks, and then we are going to retire for some more drinks and food. One of the top Hungarian betting markets is the Hungaroring, which you can visit in case you manage to get a ticket during your stay.

Furthermore, we have amazing soccer matches and water polo. Ultimately, Hungary is known for its horse racing derbies. And while you wish to retire, we have many options. For those who enjoy drag culture and LGBTQ, Polygon could be a great destination. And for everyone else? We believe in the Neverland Bar & Escape Room.

Best Hungarian bars and clubs

4. Museums And Libraries

Hungary is rich in culture. We have countless museums and libraries to entertain those who are looking for a more intellectual trip. For me, these are easily on the top of the top 7 best things to do in Hungary. According to Tripadvisor, we have a pinball museum, a rock nuclear bunker hospital, and the famous “House of Terror” which shows the grim sides of History.

The national museum is going to show our history, while we are also going to provide you with a museum of Sweets & Selfies. This is dedicated to creating pictures in unique, candy-related photographic settings. You may also find historic museums from our revolution, and if none of these are your things? Visit the Unicum or the Chocolate Museum!

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3. Culture And Religion – Top 7 Best Things To Do In Hungary

More on the cultural value, Hungary is a melting pot of religions. We are living in something like a theocratic democracy. This means that Christians are going to have many temples to visit. But of course, other religions are also heavily represented. We have Buddhist Stupas, where people can go to celebrate Vesak.

This can be paired with a festival called Everness, where Buddhists and enjoyers of Eastern religions can gather and meditate. According to Visit Hungary, we also have Baslicias and Synagogues. In conclusion, if you are religious, you will be able to connect with your people. And if not? Well, we have events for all sorts of subcultures with concerts and festivals.

Hungary Buddhist Stupa

2. Casino And Gambling

The top 7 best things to do in Hungary involve gambling as well! We have Andy Vajna who installed a bit of Las Vegas when he moved to America. He was a famous movie director. His casinos are a part of our ultimate Hungary gambling guide.

In Hungary, buying a lotto ticket is as easy as buying soda. Furthermore, we have poker nights in famous plazas. And if you are not interested in offline gambling, do not worry! Our domain allows legal casino play. If you are visiting Hungary, then I highly recommend you register at Hugo Casino.

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1. Dining And Restaurants

The top 7 best things to do in Hungary are concluding with food. Because our culture has a very unique touch of gastronomy. You are not going to have an original Italian experience, but you can also find Italian restaurants. What Hungarian food offers is mostly food with paprika, and stew-like dishes. One of the many includes the famous Pörkölt, Gulyás, and of course Csirkepaprikás.

We are not going to recommend you a restaurant because every city has its original Hungarian cuisine and you should research based on your personality and taste. Some are going to turn traditional Hungarian food into fine dining, while others seek to preserve our traditions. We even have historical places where they serve the same recipe at the same place and often family, which served most historical figures.

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