Horse Racing 102: Basic Horse Betting Terms
Posted: March 14, 2016
Updated: March 14, 2016

Well, horse racing terminology is a tricky one, here we will provide you with the basic horse betting terms to help you get on your way to a somewhat comprehensive understanding of everything going on at the tracks!
Across the Board – Yeah so remember from Horse Racing 101 we mentioned the Straight bets: win, place and show? This is when you bet and you win ALL three: win, place and show on the same horse.
Box – Well this goes hand in hand with the Exotic bet which we explained in 101. This is when all the conceivable combinations of that bet are made for a group of two or more horses.
Exotic Wagers – Any wager that is out of the straight and narrow, i.e., a wager that is OTHER than the straight win, place and show bets.
Key Horse – This would be the chosen horse in UK horse betting. It is the primary horse that you bet on in your exotic bets. They can be “keyed in” bets to win, place and show.
Pool – This the term that is used to refer to the total sum of money that has been bet on a specific wager type.
Probable Payout – Uh oh, ok, so… Horse betting terminology for how much your exotic bet will win calculated from active betting pools of exotic wager payoffs, from any possible combination of winning horses. The harder of the basic horse betting terms. Read this over and over again! (it’s okay, if you bet online in the UK, your online sportsbook should calculate this for you…)
Wheel – So you get a horse, and you bet on that horse on every single possible combination of betting in an exotic wager. So pretty much it will be your “wheel.” The horse that you rely on, the horse that you love.
Will Pays – This one gets a little tricky, but here goes: This is the payoff of all the possible winning horse combinations that are shown before the final race. The pay off FROM the exotic multiple race wagers… That would be those Daily Double, Pick 2 and Pick 4 wagers discussed and covered in Horse Racing 101.
Stay Tuned for More In the Furthering of The Horse Race Series, with Horse Race 103 Coming Soon…
We will further the Horse Race Series, and basic horse betting terms, with a description and layout of the different types of Horse Races. All the more to get you ready for great horse races like those at Cheltenham Festival 2016! Stay tuned and Happy Reading!