Back To Uni – Gambling Studies That Actually Exist


Posted: September 10, 2020

Updated: September 10, 2020

  • Do you want to study gambling? Now you know where to apply!
  • Check the top-3 list of the best gambling studies that exist in 2020

If you think that professional education in the gambling world is a joke, try again. There are several gambling studies that actually exist at universities throughout the world. Moreover, they have a way longer history that you can expect. Let’s check what unis are ready to teach you gambling tricks – from making casino games to dealing with their promotion.

Everything is possible in 2020, even when it comes to studying gambling in universities. Although most of the gambling studies that actually exist appeared a long time ago, the fact of their presence alongside law and medical studies is embarrassing. We decided to discover more about the most known schools and colleges that teach gambling and figure out what you can learn in their classes.

Meanwhile, you can also look through an online gambling course guide as remote education seems to stay for long with us. Don’t miss the chance to become a pro gambler with minimum efforts!

Gambling studies that actually exist: 3 picks from universities

As of now, three universities offer gambling studies for everyone willing to dig into the origins of gambling and its winning tips & tricks. However, this isn’t something you can learn during your classes. Let’s see what studies of gambling and casino games across the globe usually include.

gambling studies that actually exist
These are studies you can trust.

Study of Gambling & Commercial Gaming 

The Institute for the Study of Gambling & Commercial Gaming is an official branch of the University of Nevada. It was first launched in 1989 and was the first academically oriented program of its kind. Despite your thoughts, the program aims to make gambling aims as well as the commercial gaming industries more understandable, while learning how to bluff is a secondary thing. 

After studying gambling in Nevada, you will be able to make games for online casinos in the US. Also, the program includes learning the psychological aspects of gambling, including its effect on people’s habits and mindset. If you are interested in marketing, you will learn how to promote casinos and encourage people to gamble. Finally, such fields as events organization, legal gambling, and HR are also available for studying.

Sign up for Compulsive Gambling course

Bellevue University gives an opportunity to study Compulsive Gambling. It aims to help people taking playing casino games too seriously and becoming addicted. The course has 6 branches to choose from. They are the following (most of them are also advanced): Online gambling, Supervision, Older adults & gambling, Trauma & problem gambling, The process of change and gambling, and Nutrition and problem gambling addiction.

Surely, if one just plays games at Bovada Casino from time to time, there is no need in studying one of the programs mentioned above. However, if you are into the psychology of gambling, pick this one among gambling studies that actually exist.

Study of Gambling in the UK university

The University of Salford in Manchester offers other gambling studies that are different from the others. The UK uni has the whole Centre for the Study of Gambling as well as Research Centers. Their specialists aim to study the impact of modern technologies on gambling as well as its improvement with time. Another field focuses on psychology, health, and wellbeing of people who play in casinos. In addition, there are environmental studies on how gambling tourism affects our planet. We find them all very interesting to learn about, don’t you agree?

Unfortunately, gambling studies that actually exist in top universities don’t provide training or masterclasses on how to win from gambling. However, online gambling sites in the US can help you with it as almost every casino has tips & tricks on how to play this or that game. Pay attention to them when gambling next time!

You can discover more about Bovada Casino here.

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