Gambling Horoscope This Week: May 29, 2017
Posted: May 29, 2017
Updated: October 4, 2017
A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for us in the coming week.
Aries March 21 – April 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Aries Christopher Walken may have, as Captain Koons in Pulp Fiction, kept a family heirloom safely tucked away out of sight but this week it’ll be you that has to sit on information that isn’t necessarily for public consumption however much others might wish to know. Don’t worry about being interrogated, you’ve the perfect horoscope for betting so you’ll be able to skip lightly over the contentious as easily as you will pick winners at Bet365. Your lucky Norwegian village in Haram municipality is Austnes.
Taurus April 20 – May 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Taurus Michelle Pfeiffer may well have been Catwoman in the movie Batman Returns but this week it’ll be you that has to keep an eye on those others think of as heroes. They may well have saved the day but that doesn’t mean they know how to do it again and it could only be your intervention that prevents another crisis arising. There’s no need to be pushy about it, they’ll be as glad you save them from this fate as everyone else. Your lucky extinct hippo-like animal is the Bothriogenys from Eastern Africa.
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Gemini Lenny Kravitz may have asked “Are you gonna go my way?” but this week you’ll be in no doubt that you’re in the lead and that others are trailing in your wake. Being a trail blazer isn’t always the easiest of positions but at least you know where you’re headed and can bask in the faith of those behind you willing to defer to your judgment. Don’t fill your weekend with plans, there simply will not be the time for any of them. Your lucky Polish footballer from Krakow is 23 year old Alan Uryga.
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Cancer Julian Assange may well have languished for years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London but this week you’ll be under no such constraints as you are given license to roam freely making recommendations as and where you see fit. It might seem like someone else’s business but it will still fall to you to keep things on track across the board and look at the big picture so obviously unseen by many nearby. Your lucky stop on the Osterath-Essen railway in Germany is the Krefeld-Linn Station.
Leo July 23 – August 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Leo Lynda Carter may well have been the epitome of Wonder Woman but this week it’ll be your turn to ensure the truth is revealed to one and all. With one of the most lucky zodiac signs this week the chances are this will arise by dint of little effort and lots of good fortune but the results will be mainly the same, so just be prepared for the fall out. Check out Bet365 this weekend, fate is smiling on you and you should make use of its favor. Your lucky Canadian folk singers are “The Good Lovlies”.
Virgo August 23 – September 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Virgo Salma Hayek may well have believed her husband, Francois-Henri Pinault, was cheating on her with the automated voice of a language teaching app, but this week it’ll be you that finds themselves believing the wholly untrue. The important part will be your reaction to finding out just how wrong you were, so be sure to put on a sheepish grin instead of a defensive scowl, there’s no point defending the indefensible when you get caught out. Your lucky Australian modernist painter is Grace Crowley.
Libra September 23 – October 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Libra Roger Moore may well have been the suave and sophisticated face of British Intelligence as James Bond but this week it’ll be you that has to remain calm under pressure. There’s a time and a place for the stiff-upper-lip and this is it, so even if it all goes wrong it’ll be time for gallows humor not manic depression and having some feeble puns on stand-by wouldn’t go amiss, especially as the week rolls around into Friday. Your lucky species of sea bream is the eastern Atlantic’s Diplodus Cervinus.
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Scorpio Sally Field may well have been Carrie the runaway bride in Smokey & The Bandit, but this week it’ll be you that manages to avoid an awkward and unwelcome social situation simply by being legitimately absent at the right time. You may not be able to avoid it forever but will certainly be able to delay it enough so that you’ve time to think of a more permanent way of staving off having to deal with what is ephemera at best. Your lucky former fishing trawler, now a research vessel, is the RV Sonne.
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Sagittarius Jimi Hendrix may well have sung “All Along The Watch Tower” but this week it’ll be you that has to keep their eyes peeled for signs of trouble ahead and help shift the course of events to avoid any unnecessary pitfalls. Given you’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling this week the chances are you’ll be able to do this with no great effort on your part and will have plenty of time to check out Bet365 and its range of opportunities this weekend. Your lucky spit ball pitcher is Patsy Flaherty.
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Capricorn Faye Dunaway may well have made her name in Chinatown but this week it’ll be you that has to stake their claim to greatness if you don’t want to be overlooked. You’ve put in the effort, done the work and should now be able to reap the rewards and should those not be forthcoming you may need to pointedly remind people that you’re deserving of some little token of appreciation for everything you’ve done of late. Your lucky Russian oil refining company is Russneft based in Moscow.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Aquarius Peter Gabriel may well have been a “Sledgehammer” but this week if you’re to be a useful tool for those you’re trying to support it may be as well you’re a far more delicate instrument. There’s no point going at things like a bull in a China shop when better results can be gained from subtle influence. Your weekend should be rather exciting, especially Sunday, so if you’ve made plans already you might want to put them on hold. Your lucky department store in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is Daslu.
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Pisces Ursula Andress may have starred in Clash Of The Titans but this week it will seem you’re the one between two warring parties with very little chance of escaping the wrath of either. Taking sides won’t help in the long run and neutrality will not be an option so you’re just going to have to find a manner and means of being too remote to ask or become involved in what is, after all, a very petty squabble blow up out of all proportion. Your lucky American television & movie actor is Peter Strauss.