Gambling Horoscope This Week: September 2-9, 2019
Posted: September 2, 2019
Updated: September 2, 2019
We take a glance at what the heavens have in store for you over the next seven days with our weekly horoscopes.

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you over the next seven days.
Aries March 21 – April 19
Aries Motsi Mabuse may well be replacing Dame Darcey Bussell as a judge on Strictly Come Dancing but this week she won’t be alone in having some big shoes to fill. Whether it is filling in for the lamentably absent or being given that promotion you’ve been chasing, in the next few days you’re going to be asked to do a little more than usual and will find that it might not be as easy as other people made things look. Your lucky small seaside town in Kerala, India, is Thoykavu.
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Taurus April 20 – May 20
Taurus Dwayne Johnson may well have managed to keep his wedding to Lauren Hashian top secret but this week you’ll have to go to quite extreme lengths if you want to keep things under wraps. Of course keeping it to yourself means you won’t be able to ask for assistance, and whilst surprising people with perfection is lovely, ambushing them with something less so isn’t. Just try not to do everything yourself. Your lucky light weight judoka is Mariano Daniel Bertolotti of Argentina.
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Gemini May 21 – June 20
Gemini Novak Djokovic may well have had to withdraw from the US Open with a shoulder injury but this week, with perhaps the best horoscope for gambling, you should fare somewhat better if you take some risks rather than playing it safe. It might require a leap of faith of a sort, but the best things always do, so play this one by ear, follow your gut and remember that instincts won’t always lead you astray. Your lucky veteran of the Siege of Louisbourg is then Captain Jedidah Preble.
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Cancer June 21 – July 22
Cancer Kevin Hart may well have been hospitalized when his 1970 Plymouth Barracuda left the road at speed but this week you won’t have any issues staying on the straight and narrow, nor have anything crop up that might negatively affect your health. It might be an unfamiliar route but the road surfaces are just the same and it does all seem clearly signposted, so just follow the dotted lines and don’t go faster than you need to. Your lucky liberal political commentator is Sally Kohn.
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Leo July 23 – August 22
Leo Chris Hemsworth may well star in the appallingly bad Men In Black International and this week you too could find yourself stuck in a poorly planned, scripted and executed projection, the only difference is you’ll be able to do something about it. There’s never a good time to tell someone they’re making a pig’s ear of the entire business, but eventually you’ll have to, just to avoid having to eat this dog’s breakfast. Your lucky waterway is the Prairie Dog Town Fork Red River, USA.
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Virgo August 23 – September 22
Virgo Anthoine Hubert may well have died in the Spa Formula 2 event last weekend but this week you’ll have far less serious issues to deal with than your own mortality. Indeed the trivial is set to plague you however much you yourself would like to knuckle down and cut through to the core of things. Remember, whilst they might be irritating distractions to you, for others they’re vital pieces of their life, so don’t whine too much. Your lucky species of Legume is the Ormosia Panamensis.
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Libra September 23 – October 22
Libra Carrie Fisher may well have helped defeat the Empire in the Star Wars movie franchise but this week it’ll be you that has to face off against monolithic expressions of authority who perhaps have not moved with the times. It might seem a tough call but you do have the best horoscope for betting right now so you should be able to chance your arm and gain results that will look almost miraculous after the fact. Your lucky English-Irish folk-rock group are The Noel Redding Band.
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Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Scorpio Jack Dorsey may well be CEO of Twitter and seen his own personal account hacked recently, but this week you will have no problem repelling the efforts of those who would seek to delve into what doesn’t belong to them. There’s no need to be brutal about it, swatting away the nosey and those who would seek to be busybodies in your business need not involve bruises, but do be adamant none the less. Your lucky personal injury lawyers are The Perecman Firm, New York.
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Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Sagittarius Dominic Cummings might well have been accused of leading a “reign of terror” but this week you’re probably better off using a far more softly-softly approach than trying to crack a small nut with a large sledgehammer. Don’t think of it as being subtle but as using as little effort as possible to achieve the aims you’re pursuing, after all, there’s no point being too fatigued to enjoy your rewards, is there? Your lucky short film produced in China is “Laborer’s Love” from 1922.
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Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Capricorn Frank-Walter Steinmeiser, current President of Germany, may have asked Poland for forgiveness eighty years after the start of World War II, but this week you won’t have to explore such distant history to find something for which you too should now apologize. It might not mean much in the grand scheme of things at this point, but it is the thought that counts, and people might like to know you’ve changed. Your lucky cricketer is Charlie Wynch, born into the British Raj.
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Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Aquarius Mauricio Macri may well be the President of Argentina and had to impose strict financial controls to prevent the economic crisis getting any worse but this week it’ll be you that’ll be counting the pennies and, if that doesn’t sound very pleasant, fear not. You’ve perhaps one of the most lucky zodiac signs right now, so if you just set your mind to it, you’ll find yourself reaching those fiscal goals you’ve set well ahead of time. Your lucky romance novel is Marthandavarma.
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Pisces February 19 – March 20
Pisces Steve Jobs may well have been sighted alive and well several years after his death sparking numerous conspiracy theories, but this week you’ll have no time to gossip and speculate as the show gets on the road and you’re far too busy with the concrete business of the day. Be sure to keep your weekend open, you’re due to be surprised with circumstances that will require more time than you’ll otherwise have available to you. Your lucky K-12 school in Izmir, Turkey, is Ozel Ege Lisesi.
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