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Can You Really Hack Online Casino Software To Win?

Can You Really Hack Online Casino Software To Win?

Jonathan August 28, 2023 19:58:17

With online casino being so popular, and with so many computer programmers out there, many are thinking about the feasability of hacking an online casino. After all, think of all the cash you could make by simply manipulating a casino table game. However, online casinos now have security on the same level as banks. Meaning there's no way to get any cash out of them. Any malicious software would be detacted in micro-seconds and shut down.

Variance and Volatility In Slot Machines

Variance and Volatility In Slot Machines

Jonathan April 28, 2020 16:40:19

For quite a while now these twin "V"'s, Variance and Volatility, have been the buzz-words around the casino going public. But what on earth do they mean? And how do they effect my casino games? Well, we'll take a look into these two terms.