Bet on Hillary Clinton… for President!


Posted: April 20, 2016

Updated: April 20, 2016

Despite losing popularity across the country, Clinton and Trump dominated in New York. This increases the chances they’ll face each other in November. So… bet on Hillary Clinton for president.

Best odds for President at Bwin Sports

  • Clinton @ 1.40 (2/5)
  • Trump @ 4.50 (7/2)
  • Bet on Hillary Clinton for President. If you bet on politics like some bet on sports, now is the time. After last night’s New York primaries, her path to the White House looks clearer than ever. While her recent struggles have made it tempting to bet on Bernie Sanders, his chances of being nominated now look very slim.

    Hillary has enough delegated that unless she suffers a dramatic loss of support in the remaining primaries (maybe not so crazy, if you would bet on Hilary to be charged by the FBI…) she’ll certainly be nominated.

    Bet on Hillary Clinton to beat any Republican candidate

    Best outsider odds for President at Bwin Sports

  • Cruz @ 13.00 (12/1)
  • Sanders @ 11.00 (10/1)
  • Her win last night means she can look ahead to the general election in November. Importantly, if Sanders doesn’t have a chance, he’ll probably not spend the next few months dropping negative campaign ads. Instead, Clinton can begin to rehabilitate her image and seek to unite the Democratic party.

    bet on Hillary Clinton to face Donald Trump after he won New york

    Donald Trump last night (Photo: Business Insider)

    Even better news for her was Donald Trump’s convincing win in the New York republican primary. He put a stop to Ted Cruz’s momentum and there’s a real chance that he can reach the number of delegates required to avoid a contested convention. This would avoid the possibility of Republicans drafting a plausible, popular candidate at the last minute.

    So, it looks like it’ll be Clinton v Trump in November. Would you bet on Donald Trump winning the support of a majority of the American people? Thanks to US gambling laws, most in the US can’t make the bet even if they wanted to. But if you really think the end-times are upon us, bet on Trump for President. But let’s hope, for the sake of society, that your bet on Clinton to beat Trump is a safe bet….

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