Can Billionaire Soros Save Britain From Bonkers Bet On Brexit?

Posted: June 1, 2018

Updated: June 1, 2018

If the US has a problem with the “deep state” the UK has one with “deep denial” as it continues to attempt to portray it's negotiations on Brexit as anything other than a fantasy world of both having their cake and eating it. The question is should you back the attempts underway to have another referendum or bet on Brexit to be a wholesale pig's breakfast? Sites like Bet365 will give you the odds either way so let's take a look.

  • Bookies Let You Bet On Brexit
  • 7/4 - No Brexit Deal Before 1/4/19
  • 4/1 - 2nd Referendum on Brexit
  • 3/1 - UK Reapplies To EU before 2027

The great British public, with the same keen sense of survival and self preservation that has made lemmings so famous, voted for Brexit and have regretted it ever since. The lies of the Brexiteers' fear-based dog-whistle campaign have been laid bare and no one in the UK is placing a bet on Brexit being anywhere near as pleasant a prospect as it was made out to be, with, ironically, some of the harshest effects of Britain's exit to be felt by the very demographic that supported it most – the elderly.

Fortunately for the elderly they have a hero to strike back against this piece of self-inflicted insanity perpetrated under the influence of slick economic lies and inherent cultural racism. Billionaire George Soros has this week decided to bet on Brexit not being an inevitability but something he can get reversed simply by throwing money at it. Donating 400k to the “Best For Britain” campaign to restage the referendum he's left the bookies in the UK gambling news of his attempt will not be successful.

Best For Britain Backed By Billionaire

Sites akin to Bet365 give the chances of him even gaining a second referendum only 4/1 but is this under-selling what could be the last, best hope for Britain to undo the massive self-harm it has inflicted? Certainly there's every chance the majority of Remainers will support the idea, but just how many of the Brexiteers will actually be swayed? You can always bet on Brexit to bring out the worst in some people, should we really wager on it suddenly bringing out the best in the self same people?

“The EU is in an existential crisis. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.”
George Soros

The rise of populism, as highlighted by the rise of Donald Trump, the Brexit vote and the current chaos in Italy has demonstrated that the over-simplification of issues for public consumption has gone too far and that it is now too easy to rally people against things with half-truths, disingenuous statements and outright lies, meaning you can't bet on Brexit referenda to go Soros' way however many times it's held. Anyone in the UK gambling laws of decency would stop Brexiteers using the same lies again is mad.

You Can Bet On Brexit At Bet365



“The British public must express its support by a convincing margin in order to be taken seriously by Europe.” Warned the aging Philanthropist Soros, adding that “Ultimately it's up to the British people to decide what they want to do.” Which is great, but ignores the fact they already decided. They just decided wrong which is why online bookies like Bet365 are giving 3/1 on the UK applying to rejoin before 2027 although as a bet on Brexit goes that's a bit long winded in times that change so very fast.

Most who bet on sports in the UK will see the headlines as alarmist (a standard assumption in Britain) and simply wait and see what transpires, a standard British response to crisis, however the internet giants of Bet365 ilk are already signposting what they believe will happen offering 7/4 on there being no Brexit deal reached twixt the UK and EU before the April 1st 2019 deadline at which point not even George Soros and his fortune could save Britain from an ignominious exit, their bet on Brexit failed.

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