Seven People Who Could Defy US Presidential Election Odds
Nich Moore July 19, 2021 13:50:41
They may be massive longshots in the US Presidential Election odds but then so was Donald Trump a few years out, so these people may yet win.
Nich Moore July 19, 2021 13:50:41
They may be massive longshots in the US Presidential Election odds but then so was Donald Trump a few years out, so these people may yet win.
Nich Moore July 19, 2021 13:04:32
You probably couldn’t make it up. Facing a recall election, on the 14th of September, you’d think Gavin Newsom would be focused. Keeping his eye on the ball. Not letting the California recall election odds go to his head. Instead this week a court had to decide if he is a democrat or not. Or, at least, if he can state he’s one on the ballot. Turns out, he can’t. Classic. So whilst online betting sites in the US like Bovada still give Newsom short prices, the Democrats just lost the election.
Nich Moore May 27, 2021 15:53:31
MGM has one of the most recognizable logos on the planet. Billions have seen Leo The Lion roar. Amazon, who just bought MGM for a scooch under eight and a half billion dollars, probably won’t change it. Obviously, they’re just after the rights to all those movie titles to stream. Which means you can now bet on the next James Bond, whomever that is, to have Jeff Bezos as a boss. Anyone in the UK gambling laws of causality may collapse ending the universe, could be right.
Amanda McWallace August 3, 2020 16:31:00
We take a glance at what the heavens have in store for you with our monthly horoscopes.
Nich Moore June 1, 2018 06:39:14
If the US has a problem with the “deep state” the UK has one with “deep denial” as it continues to attempt to portray it’s negotiations on Brexit as anything other than a fantasy world of both having their cake and eating it. The question is should you back the attempts underway to have another […]
Kevin Oldroyd December 27, 2016 06:20:48
It’s never easy trying to predict the Dow Jones Industrial Average, but members of Intertops can now bet on the stock market. There are a million things to take into account when making an investment. Experts like Warren Buffet and George Soros will tell you it’s about looking at the facts, but it can be […]