Gambling Horoscope This Week: August 14, 2017
Posted: August 14, 2017
Updated: October 4, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so lets take a look what they have waiting for you over the next seven days
Aries March 21 – April 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Aries Lady Gaga may well have put on a “Poker Face” when necessary but this week it’ll be you that needs to keep their cards close to their chest and give away as little as possible, at least until you’re entirely sure there will be some reciprocal sharing. Be sure to check any details you glean, some people have a habit of getting hold of the wrong end of the stick and you don’t want to trade away the family jewels for a hand full of beans. Your lucky type of acarid feather mite is the Mesalges Hirsutus.
Taurus April 20 – May 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Taurus Salvador Dali may well have painted “The Persistence” but this week it’ll be you that has to display some when it becomes all too clear that first efforts and initial approaches have both failed to find the mark and there will need to be a certain amount of regrouping or rethinking to be done before you throw more of your precious time away. If you find yourself slipping behind schedule this week, don’t worry, you’ll catch up. Your lucky 19th century Scottish meteorologist is Ralph Abercromby.
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Gemini Helen Hunt may well have starred in “As Good As It Gets” but this week you’ll be dealing with quite the opposite and if at first glance it all looks a bit terminal don’t panic, you’ve the perfect horoscope for gambling and there’s every chance that once the shock subsides your initial response will be the right one to pursue to minimize repercussions all round, and with good fortune like that you should pop by Bet365. Your lucky Polish nobleman is Ignacy Wyssogota Zakrezewski of Stary Bialcz.
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Cancer John Cusack may well have been the hired killer at a school reunion in “Grosse Pointe Blank” but this week you’ll be the one getting your ducks in a row and taking charge of your situation. It might feel a little hard nosed but there’s no prizes for second place and you can be reassured this is nothing more than you deserve. Be sure to leave your weekend free as there’s going to be things to do regardless. Your lucky Vice President of Sudan is Alhaj Adam Yousef who was second to hold the post.
Leo July 23 – August 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Leo Halle Berry may well have helped save the world in “Die Another Day” alongside James Bond but this week it’ll be you that staves off utter disaster at the last possible moment. However unaccustomed you may be to riding to the rescue in the nick of time this will be your time to shine and if those nearby who know you best are surprised it’ll be nothing to the shock you’ll experience as you realize just some of your hidden potential. Your lucky species of spider found only in Georgia is the Eresux Lavrosiae.
Virgo August 23 – September 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Virgo Richard Attenborough may well have assisted in the dissemination of intelligence with his “Life On Earth” BBC series but this week it’ll be you that has to explain things to the ignorant. It might take a few tries, some things take time to sink in, and some people are slower on the up take than others, but the alternative isn’t worth thinking about so bite the bullet so just start from the beginning and go on until you come to the end. Your lucky tower defense game on iOS or Windows is geoDefense Swarm.
Libra September 23 – October 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Libra Margot Kidder may well have played Lois Lane, the love-interest in “Superman” but this week it’ll be you that feels like they’ve super powers as you have one of the most lucky zodiac signs. Sure you won’t really have super powers but there might not feel much difference as you both skirt pitfalls that would otherwise have tripped you up, and along with wagers at Bet365 there’s every chance an opportunity grabbed will be a situation won. Your lucky Indian cricketer is 27 year old Samrat Singha.
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Actor, playwright and Scorpio Sam Shepard may well have featured in “The Right Stuff” and “Black Hawk Down” but this week it’ll be you that is the consummate professional. Able to play any role required and produce superb results without any apparent effort you will be of great use to those around you and lend aid to their cause as well as pushing forward your own agenda. Your weekend will be relaxed and peaceful. Your lucky competitive British swimmer is James Disney-May of Chertsey.
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Sagittarius Jennifer Connelly may well have found her way through the “Labyrinth” despite David Bowie’s efforts but this week it’ll be you that finds themselves in a maze and in need of a way out. There may not be a Minotaur in the middle of this tangle of possible paths but you should still be very wary of putting a foot wrong as that could lead to disaster not a dead end, and with careful thought and a bit of time, you can solve this puzzle. Your lucky US funk group are “Bull & The Matadors”.
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Capricorn Kid Rock may well be preparing for a political run at a Senate seat in 2018 but this week it’ll be you that sees themselves destined for greater things and whilst Kid Rock may well fall flat on his face you should have far more success. There’s a future beckoning that you won’t be able to ignore and whilst it will come at a price, what will appear quite a steep one right now, in the long term this is the best way forward for you. Your lucky publication covering the urban arts scene is 25 Magazine.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Aquarius Jane Seymour may well have shone as “Dr Quinn Medicine Woman” finding miraculous cures week after week, but this time round you’ll be the one with the magic touch as your perfect horoscope for betting means that if you just play your hunches, be that in day to day life or on Bet365 this weekend, you should see a good clear positive result, however whatever you do don’t second guess yourself or catastrophe awaits. Your lucky historic home in Fallston, Hartford, Maryland is Bon Air.
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Pisces Yuri Gagarin may well have been the first man to orbit the Earth in his Vostok craft but this week you’ll be the one that feels out of this world. With so much energy to hand you’ll find getting things done much easier than you’d usually expect and there will be enough free time around to get done some of those little things you’ve been putting off for the last few weeks. You’ll enjoy your weekend, despite the minor hiccups. Your lucky Qatari handball player is Ahmed Abdelhak.