Nevada Bet On US Politics Needing Their Early Guidance
Posted: June 2, 2021
Updated: June 2, 2021
Nevada Sets Out To Be First Amongst Equals
Select The Best Bet On US Politics At Bovada
Setting The Stage For A Bitter Battle In 2024

Some bet on US politics calming down, seeing the error of its ways and becoming what it should. They saw Donald Trump fly away and figured that was the end of that. They were wrong. So, the odds on US politics at online sportsbook sites in the US like Bovada don’t do the situation justice. If anything, politics in the United States is getting more crazy. Celebrities are running everywhere, Republicans are trying to stop people voting and now Nevada thinks it represents America.
“New Hampshire and Iowa are not really reflections of our entire country.” Said a voting advocacy advocate in Nevada. This is fair enough. She’s not wrong. Neither of them does actually reflect the entire United States and neither ever has. However, with their early primary elections, they are seen as bell weather states. You can bet on US politics to hinge on these two early votes. Politicians of both parties slavishly fawning over both states’ narrow interests.
Unfortunately whilst Mz Emily Persaud-Zamora is correct, her implications probably aren’t. She implies that whilst New Hampshire and Iowa don’t represent the whole of the US adequately Nevada could. Nevada has moved to place itself first in the primary election season recently. If they are successful you can bet on US politics veering off into the desert every four years. Vegas always allowed you to bet on sports in the US, now it’ll signpost who’ll get the White House.
Bet On US Politics Changing But Not For The Better
“It’s time for Nevada to take it’s rightful place.” Said Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson. He sponsored the legislation to move the Nevada primary to earlier in the year. Of course, we may all have different opinions on the rightful place of Nevada. A hastily dug shallow grave out in the desert somewhere, perhaps. But never bet on US politics to have a sense of its own insanity. See, the problem is not that Nevada doesn’t represent the wholes of the US, but that it actually might.
Bet On US Politics
- Bill Maher – 150/1
- Will Smith – 150/1
- Meghan Markle – 100/1
- Susan Rice – 80/1
- Beto O’Rourke – 66/1
- Stacey Abrams – 50/1
- Ted Cruz – 33/1
- Tucker Carlson – 25/1
- Elise Stefanik – 25/1
- Ivanka Trump – 25/1
- Dwayne Johnson – 20/1
- Jeff Bezos – 20/1
- Alexandris Ocasio-Cortez – 16/1
- Mike Pence – 16/1
- Nikki Haley – 12/1
- Ron DeSantis – 11/1
- Donald Trump – 13/2
- Joe Biden – 9/2
- Kamala Harris – 7/2
- See more at Bovada…
Naturally, those who put forward this plan point to the demographics. Iowa and New Hampshire are remarkably white, less so Nevada. They are also quick to mention just how fast Iowa fell apart the last election. Nevada knows how to count. However, the DNC is yet to sign off on the idea. So don’t bet on US politics accepting this sea change without a fight. Anyone in the US gambling laws of common sense will see Iowa and New Hampshire step aside easily isn’t paying attention.

Bovada Has All The Odds On Republicans In 2024
They won’t. They enjoy the pandering to their narrow interests. Not that anyone blames them. You can always bet on US politics to have a distinctly every-man-for-himself vibe. That’s why as Nevada makes a move to out-flank these age old guardians, South Carolina may do the same. Of course, states racing to be the first primary indicates that in of itself the primary election system is broken. Just don’t bet on Republicans or Democrats to address that issue basic issue.
“Nevada is perfectly positioned as a diverse and representative state to be first in the nation’s presidential nominating process.”
- Governor Sisolak, Nevada
You can’t bet on Democrats or Republicans to change the system. They won under that system. Just in case the new system doesn’t repeat it. So, the odds on Democrats suddenly deciding to go with Nevada are probably longer than you think. But the move demonstrates that 2024 is already on the agenda. In the run up to that Presidential election you can bet on US politics just getting worse. Which will only make the odds on offer at online betting sites in the US like Bovada more interesting.
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We take a look at why you can bet on US politics getting even more ridiculous as the 2024 election looms large on the horizon already.