New York Bookies Bet On Eric Adams Overhauling Andrew Yang
Posted: June 9, 2021
Updated: June 9, 2021
Poll Shows Andrew Yang Is Now Over Six Point Down
Bet On Eric Adams As The Next NY Mayor At Bovada
Former Police Chief Leverages Public Crime Concerns

Image source: Krystalb97, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Andrew Yang seemed to have it in the bag. With big name recognition and a lot of money behind him online betting sites in the US like Bovada had him as favorite. However, it now appears the energetic business man won’t win the New York mayoral election. Right now you should probably bet on Eric Adams, former local police officer, who has pulled ahead in the polls. With early voting about to start his six point lead could see him too far ahead for Yang to catch.
So what changed? One minutes Andrew Yang has the New York mayoral election in his palm. He’s ahead in the polls, has big time backing and plenty of media coverage. Then suddenly, Eric Adams bounces into the lead by a huge margin. What happened? Was there a scandal? There usually is in New York politics. Was Yang caught doing something ghastly? That would explain it. But no, it’s nothing like that, you should just bet on Eric Adams winning because of his job.
What’s Andrew Yang’s job? He’s a businessman. He does business. This is, in the United States, is entirely to his credit. Americans like voting for someone they perceive as successful in business. Just ask Donald Trump. However, the reason you can bet on Eric Adams to win the election is because he’s not a businessman. He’s a former policeman. Anyone in the US gambling laws aren’t at the forefront of most New Yorker’s minds hasn’t kept up with recent events.
Odds On Andrew Yang Tank After New Poll
New Yorkers are massively alarmed with the recent rise in violent crime in their city. Numerous recent shootings, each with a multiplicity of casualties, some fatal, keep it front and center. Now whilst you can bet on Andrew Yang to sound plausible and well-meaning when it comes to crime; Eric Adams has him beat. You can always bet on Eric Adams to sound more genuine on the subject given his experience. As long as the crime wave continues, this is his race to lose.
NY Mayoral Race Odds
- Maya Wiley – 18/1
- Scott Stringer – 16/1
- Kathryn Garcia – 3/1
- Andrew Yang – 6/4
- Eric Adams – 8/11
- See more at Bovada…
Of course, that doesn’t mean he couldn’t. Anyone about to bet on Eric Adams should note there are some clouds on the horizon. People are asking questions about fund raising and the backers of a casino project at Queen’s Aqueduct Racetrack. That could prove awkward for a man stood so staunchly upon an anti-crime manifesto. Still, online betting sites in the US like Bovada now have a bet on Eric Adams going for around 8/11. That puts him significantly clear of his rivals.

Bet On Eric Adams At Bovada
Andrew Yang has slipped off to 6/4 making him more of a chancers wager than a bet on Eric Adams. Eric Adams is the right man in the right place at the right time. Andrew Yang is, alas, just a bit too much of a carpetbagger. Sure, you can’t dismiss his NY credentials. However, you have to bet on the New York mayoral race being won by someone more down to Earth. Adams is that man. His local knowledge and heavy emphasis on fighting crime just puts him ahead.
“I don’t recall.”
- Eric Adams when questioned about AEG fund-raising efforts
The odds on the New York mayoral race thus seem quite clear cut. You can bet on Eric Adams to keep the pressure up as the city moves into the summer and the big day nears. He’s got the over-confident Andrew Yang on the run and you can expect the DNC to notice. Just how far they’ll go to protect their future Presidential candidate Yang is another matter. Sabotaging Adams may seem unlikely but anyone who regularly puts a bet on sports in the US wouldn’t put it past them.
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We take a look at why you should now bet on Eric Adams to win the New York mayoral race ahead of fated Andrew Yang.