This Is How Poker Chips Are Made
Posted: April 25, 2022
Updated: April 26, 2022
They can be made from plastic or clay.
There are different types of poker chips.
Professional and commercial poker chips are made differently.

How poker chips are made? You may have asked yourself this question yourself. or some of your friends. Everyone who plays poker or casino games will wonder about this question. Even though there are thousands of articles about poker tips, and casino tips, you can’t find many dedicated to the tool they use in the gambling world. Poker chips are one of the most used things at casinos and have a very important role. Are they made of plastic or wood or something else? Is there a difference between the quality? Can you tell the difference between a casino and a commercial poker chip? You’ll find that out in our article! So keep on reading don’t forget to visit Ignition Casino for your next poker game!
How Poker Chips Are Made: All About the Different Poker Chips
Even though online gambling site in the US don’t use poker chips, it’s useful to know more about them. For starters, you may have noticed that the poker chips you have at home and the ones at casinos are different. For currency denominations of $25,000 and more, the majority of casinos throughout the world now employ rectangular-shaped plaques. Plaques are created utilizing a mixture of the two processes stated above. However, they are bigger than a typical poker chip and feature serial numbers. So actually there is not just one difference here.
What’s more, in contrast to commercial chips, real casino poker chips are handcrafted. Previously, casinos predominantly employed the clay compression process to create their poker chips. Even though, when counterfeiting became a danger to the gaming business, casinos began to use a mix. This is made of ABS plastic and clay to defend themselves against fraudsters with an engineering background.

ABS plastic was previously noted as a critical component in the injection molding technique used to create an authentic casino and commercial poker chips. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a typical thermoplastic polymer that is also amorphous, which means it lacks a distinct structure or form and hence has no actual melting point.
What Kind of Materials Are Used for Making Poker Chips?
So as we said before there is a large number of poker chips made from plastic. But what do they use now to make them? From what materials and how poker chips are made? Actually, in and out of casinos, modern technology has boosted the creation of poker chips. The materials utilized in the compression molding and injection processes employed by casinos are still unknown to the general public. Clay, along with a mixture of other components, is known to be utilized in the compression molding process.
Pressures of up to 10,000 psi may be applied to real casino poker chips. It is also heat resistant, having no adverse effects when subjected to temperatures of up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. A high-quality chip is made with a paper inlay and heat-resistant layer that cannot be removed. This provides a layer of protection against duplication as well as increased endurance.

However, clay is no longer utilized in the production of actual casino poker chips for the most part. As time passed, casino owners began to notice that the quality of their chips was deteriorating. Ceramic chips were eventually created as a substitute for clay chips to prevent clay chips from deteriorating and to give a more durable solution for the millions of players who would hold, pocket, flip, or even pot splash that poker chip.
How to Tell if a Poker Chip Is Real?
We have talked about what kind of materials they use to make them, but what makes a poker chip real? When it comes to how poker chips are made you just have to know that too. Players with imported poker chips from other regions of the county and even overseas have been observed to pay out at some of the major gaming firms on the Las Vegas strip. It’s a fair bet that you’ll be able to use the same chip at both casinos as long as they’re owned by the same firm. Being able to tell if a poker chip is real is a good thing. On the other hand, when you play at any online gambling site in the US you don’t have to know all about that. So it’s something that makes online gambling better.
It’s a widespread fallacy that every casino’s poker chip is the same, and while they are in most aspects. They differ from one casino to the next in terms of manufacturing processes. Many people assume, for example, that a casino chip must weigh exactly 11.5 grams — this is fiction. Casino poker chips range in weight from 8.5 grams to 10.6 grams throughout the city of Las Vegas. This is also the weight of the chips in high-end commercial television sets.
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All in all, there are indeed professional and commercial poker chips. What’s more, both have different variations but you pay attention to you can tell a real one from a fake one. We have used poker chips for a long time now and as everything changes so did them too. The making of it and the materials they use are constantly changing. Even though we hope you were able to find out how poker chips are made. And don’t forget to check out Ignition Casino for the best kind of casino games where you can use digital poker chips.