Your Stars This Week: November 2, 2015
Posted: November 2, 2015
Updated: October 6, 2017

A quick glance at the stars tells us everything we need to know about our future so let’s take a look what they have waiting for you in the coming week.
Aries March 21 – April 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Aries Agnetha Falskog might have been a “Dancing Queen” when in Abba but it’ll be you that needs to “watch that scene” this week as those around you decide to fall out or go all in on arguments that serve no purpose. Do not get involved, take sides or attempt to help until it blows itself out or it’ll blow up in your face. The dust will have settled by the weekend whereupon the trials and tribulations already ahead will seem a breeze to deal with by comparison. Your lucky train is an Odakyu 7000 series LSE.
Taurus April 20 – May 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Billy Joel, also a Taurus, may prefer you “Just the way you are” but you’re not in the mood to agree with him this week. Trying new things is definitely on your mind, but indulge your urges carefully, this is no time to throw caution to the wind simply out of impatient adventurism, the price attached way too great. Save time for a friend in need, even if the need seems a tad petty and be assured your weekend will be more relaxing than taxing. Your lucky cardinal is Agostino Trivulzio who died in 1548.
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
That famous Gemini Anna Kournikova may have one of the most commonly searched for names on the internet but it’ll be you that people are looking for this week for a whole variety of reasons. Choosing whom to be found by could be the key to an easy week so think before you act and know where you’re going at all times. There’s a good chance things will go seriously awry at the weekend, harmlessly but frustratingly so. Nevermind. Your lucky animal is the Ring-Tailed Mongoose from Madagascar.
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Clarence Thomas, a Cancer on the Supreme Court, might well be noted for his lack of voice in public but you won’t have the luxury to keep quiet this week. Don’t worry, you’ve the perfect horoscope for betting this week so you’ll choose just the right moment to have maximum effect and get people back on track before they stray too far into madness. Indeed you’re so fortunate this week you should probably back your favorite team at NetBet Sportsbook. Your lucky expanse of water is Otter Lake in Ontario.
Leo July 23 – August 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Halle Berry, also born a Leo like you, might have won an oscar for Best Actress back in 2002 but you’re the one that’s going to have to follow the script this week. Going off message whether it’s at home or at work will only lead to trouble so even if it sounds hackneyed say what you need to say rather than what you’d like to say, your efforts of restraint will not go unnoticed or unrewarded by those who know you best. Your lucky beetle is the Sybrohyangnis Fuscomaculata discovered in 1960.
Virgo August 23 – September 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Bashar al-Assad. another Virgo, might be fighting on many fronts but you’ll find your opposition far easier to recognize this week and you’ll have to decide if squaring off against them now is more advantageous than waiting for a more tactically apt circumstance later on. Whichever you decide, once it kicks off don’t be half-hearted, the time for diplomacy is over, and this is no time to hold back, and definitely no time to lose the argument. Your lucky sea stack is the Old Man of Hoy off Scotland.
Libra September 23 – October 22
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Libra Barbara Walters may have been an anchor on television but you’ll be the one keeping things steady during the storm this week. Keep things on track by reminding people that important and urgent are different words and sometimes things require counterintuitive prioritization. This will be especially true at work but could so easily also apply to matters at home. Try to keep the weekend open as one with no plans will be better than any that has them. Your lucky municipality is Lalden in Switzerland.
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Charles Koch, who is also a Scorpio, might be a billionaire able to buy influence doesn’t mean you’re not incapable of pushing things in the direction you wish, and if you’re unsure which way things should be going don’t worry, you’ve the best horoscope for gambling this week so whatever you instinctively feel is right probably will be, be it at home, work or on Paddy Power where your good fortune could make you one. Your lucky hamlet on the A15 in West Lindsey is the oddly named Spital-In-The-Street.
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Famous Sagittarius Christina Aguilera might have moved on from her time in the Mickey Mouse Club but for you things are going to be pretty nickle and dime this week. Don’t worry the hum-drum nature of what needs to be done paves the way for far more important things in the coming months so just keep at it assured your efforts aren’t in vain however depressingly futile they seem at the time. In contrast you’ll get a surprisingly fabulous weekend without any effort at all. Your lucky singer is Elvis.
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Unlike Dave Grohl, also a Capricorn, you’ll have quite the time this week trying to keep some semblance of rhythm going. What starts out as a hotchpotch continues as one much of the week and you’ll just have to be nimble on your feet to keep up with the shifting sands of circumstance and the variety of things people expect you to do. Don’t panic, you can and will get it all done by the weekend, and then wish you still had something to do. Your lucky fortress is Gripsholm Castle in Sweden.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Leymah Gbowee, another Aquarius like you, might have campaigned for peace but you’ll be the one that has to keep it this week. Step in at the earliest sign of brewing tensions and don’t let things get heated because once they boil over there’ll be no chance to stop it before things get out of hand. You’ll find a rather pleasant surprise, however small, restores your faith in people around Friday and social events this weekend will be far more fun than you think. Your lucky geography is Mount Pangulubao.
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Your lucky online gambling sites this week
Pisces James Blunt could well be able to lead the charge but you’ll be the one having to spearhead operations this week, especially on the homefront where your timely involvement will stave off disaster. Try not to let the numerous demands on your time and energy sway you from what needs to be done and don’t worry you’ve one of most lucky zodiac signs and will choose correctly which is which, you could even pick a winner at Pinnacle Sports with your luck. Your lucky prehistoric fish is Eurypholis.