Articles About Dereck Chisora fight

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Why Britain’s Unique Boxing Culture Makes It Stand Out From The Crowd

Why Britain’s Unique Boxing Culture Makes It Stand Out From The Crowd

Nich Moore July 23, 2014 21:25:08

Our shrinking world is eroding some of the great boxing traditions that used to mark out one boxer from another, but Britain retains hers, and here’s why Boxing culture around the world differs less and less these days. The mass media, and indeed internet, slowly shrinking the planet to when we’ll all be able to […]

7 Best Boxing Movies Of All Time

7 Best Boxing Movies Of All Time

Nich Moore July 23, 2014 20:29:29

We give you something to watch whilst you’re waiting for the fight this Saturday night with our run down of the best boxing movies ever made With the Tyson Fury vs Dereck Chisora fight coming up this weekend we’re going to take a quick look at the portrayal of boxing on the silver screen and […]

4 Facts Proving That Britain Is Home To The Best Boxers

4 Facts Proving That Britain Is Home To The Best Boxers

Nich Moore July 23, 2014 20:19:00

Britain has had a long proud tradition of boxers stretching back to the very origins of the sport, this is why it is still home to the best in boxing I’m quite shocked that anyone needs this proving to them. It is entirely manifest and self-evident, one may as well ask if birds have feathers […]