Mastercard’s Facial Recognition Trial


Posted: July 6, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

New winds are blowing at Mastercard; testing for a new verification mode has begun. 

The new generation loves mobile betting sites and taking selfies. And, everyone loves shopping. Each time we shop and use our cards, we have to provide some kind of verification. It’s standard security protocol. Usually some personal detail, or pin code. But now, Mastercard wants to remodel the field.

According to BBC, the refurbishment of Mastercard’s security system would include an update to facial recognition software. So, each time you want to buy something, all you would have to do is look into your mobile camera and take a picture. Violà! Your purchase has been approved.

Is the system too easy to trick?

Security experts told BBC that facial recognition might not be as revolutionary in terms of security as Mastercard might think. Ken Munro, a security researcher complained that the system can easily be tricked; people could easily make a photo of someone and use that. Basically, anyone could access your mobile casinos account and buy more chips with your photo.

At first, they tried to overcome this issue by asking people to blink – a kind of assurance that the photo was real-time – but people ended up adding eyelids as an animation to cheat the system… and they succeeded. Fortunately, Mastercard is still in the testing phase of the program, so they have a lot of time to figure out all the setbacks and come up with answers.
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