It’s Mamix YouTube Channel: How 23-Year-Old Boy Managed to Do This?


Posted: February 7, 2020

Updated: February 7, 2020

  • Mamix is now one of the fastest growing bloggers in Russia
  • He is popular for his experiments with Coca-Cola

As we know, YouTube is the most popular site in the world. So do you want to know how to find odds for YouTube channels? Believe me, the most popular channels are not the ones that have many subscribers. For example, it’s Mamix YouTube channel is very popular not only in Russia but all over the world. Nowadays, entertainment channels are becoming increasingly popular on YouTube.  

You should take into account the fact that subscribers are interested in entertainment and the YouTube channel is the most popular and easy way. These types of channels have a rapidly growing audience and definitely have the potential for development on YouTube. According to online betting sites in Russia, it’s Mamix YouTube channel is the most popular for now. Let’s have a look!

5 facts about It’s Mamix YouTube channel that you didn’t know

Nowadays, Maxim Monakhov is one of the fastest-growing bloggers in Russia. His channel has several million subscribers. He is popular for his experiments with Coca-Cola, but now I will not discuss this. Here are 5 interesting facts about the famous it’s Mamix YouTube channel. If you are interested, then you can check online gambling news in Russia also:

  1. Maxim has another channel that he gave to his friend Stepan. The channel had nearly 600 thousand subscribers. Existing videos are regularly released on this channel. Mamix actually sold it to a friend for 20 thousand rubles to buy a video camera for new videos.
  2. You all know that the name of the channel is Mamix, but did you guess that he simply changed the place of the letters of his name and thus named the channel?
  3. Many people think that the company pays Mamix for advertising the product in his video, but this is far from the case. Mamix constantly mocks drinks. This is not the best advertisement for such a big company like Coca Cola. Do you agree?
  4. Maxim’s girlfriend whom he has been dating for almost 3 years appears in his videos. 
  5. Before becoming popular he tried himself in almost all genres. Probably all of you have seen chat roulette videos. Did you know Mamix had a program called the “Shkolotroll”?

“EXPERIMENTS” project on YouTube

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Maxim got wide popularity thanks to the experiments with Coca-Cola Image source: Pixabay

The third and the most favorite it’s Mamix YouTube channel that was registered at the end of 2015. At first, the videos on Mamix were rather modest. However, over time, Maxim began to make more extreme videos for demanding viewers. The main popularity brought video experiments with Coca-Cola. 

July 2016: Mamix entered the world YouTube top in terms of subscribers’ growth rate, and also took a leading position in Russia. In addition to this,  online sportsbook sites in Russia started to make various odd for this channel. 

June 2017: he created the “EXPERIMENTS” project on YouTube, where they conduct unusual experiments. At the same time, Mamix announced that he will remove his main channel when this project will have 500,000 subscribers. At the end of June, the project was able to gain this number of subscribers, but Mamix did not immediately remove the main channel, but only at the end of next month.

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