The Most Common Poker Mistakes You Should Avoid


Posted: December 20, 2021

Updated: May 18, 2022

  • Poker is one of the most complicated gambling games
  • Learn the most common poker mistakes and you will better your game
  • Poker is a long process, but when you master it, you can win big money
All in all, in order to be a good player, or the best you have to learn and practice. This includes learning how to make strategic decisions as well as how to control your emotions. There are many mistakes that even professionals do, but if you are being alarmed you can avoid them. You may have read the top five poker mistakes that you should try to avoid. But do you want to know others as well? If you do, keep on reading and find out the most common poker mistakes!

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1. The Most Common Poker Mistake to Avoid: Losing Control of Your Emotions

In order to be a master at poker, you need to learn how to control your emotions. To be able to stay stable at a game is a very important skill when it comes to poker. It’s a mental game. And even if you put hours of work into a game, you can lose if you don’t control your emotions. So, it is essential for you to master this skill. Try and practice as much as you need!

2. You Don’t Practice Enough

You can be a fairly good player and still lose. The masters of poker have a big secret of their success: it is constant practicing. Even if you feel confident, don't stop practicing! This is just as important as controlling your emotions. The successful players will always put work into practice and constantly create new strategies. Also, more and more software is being released to help you find a good strategy. Try out some, it may help, and if you are ready visit  bet365 Poker.

3. Checking or Calling Out Without Planning

When you play poker, you should always have a strategy that you can adjust depending on the information you get.
Most Common Poker Mistakes
Picture Source: Pixabay
For each hand, you play you should have a plan based on your cards and how other players react. Keep in mind to always think about what you will do next.

4. Overvaluing a Medium-Range Hand

A lot of players misvalue their hands, which is a big mistake in poker. You should always know where your hand lies within your range. It's a tough and essential skill to learn. For example, when you over-value and overbet your medium-strength hangs, your bets will often be called by better hands. In that case, you can't find enough bluffs to balance your range.

5. Fancy Play Syndrome

Fancy Play Syndrome or as known FPS was introduced by Mike Caro. He revealed this many years ago. And what does it mean? It relates to the desire to utilize the more complicated play or the “fancy” one. if you play this way your ego will ruin the game. Remember to never let your ego control your game! In Fancy Play Syndrome you will take the risky or tricky route instead of straightforward play. Never do that!

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€365 redeemable bonus. €365 bonus is redeemed in instalments based on Status Points earned. Tickets and prize wheel spins expire after seven days. Time limits, exclusions and T&Cs apply. For more information about this offer please visit the website.

6. Don’t Use the Same Strategy for the Same Hands

Next up, on the list of the most common poker mistakes, there is a tip for the strategy. Using the same strategy for the same hands may sound like a good idea, but it's not. When you play you want to get the highest EV, right? So, when you are playing the same way with certain hands, you will not achieve it. What's more that way you will be easier to read. If your opponents are observant players, they will soon notice that you always bet with your top pair, and check with your second pair. That can lead you to lose the game, and your money too. So, if you want to master poker, try to avoid this too!

7. Consistently Bluffing

Even though bluffing is an important part of playing poker, you shouldn’t do it too much. Why?Going crazy about bluffing every hand is not a good strategy. Remember that we use bluffing in poker in order to make our opponents call us down when we are value betting.
Most Common Poker Mistakes
So...Don't do much bluffing...Picture Source: Pixabay
On the other hand, when you bluff all the time, the bluffs will outweigh our value hands and our opponents will make a lot of money calling us down.

8. Betting Out of Position Without a Plan

This is where a lot of people lose their money. Keep in mind that playing out of position is incredibly hard in poker. Having a plan is essential in this game. Not being able to see what your opponent does before you make your move is a big disadvantage. So, playing out of position shouldn’t be taken lightly. What does that mean? You should always have a plan when you are playing out of position, even if you are checking or betting.

9. Learning from Past Poker Mistakes

Talking about the most common poker mistakes you should avoid; we can’t forget this one. Constantly learning is the essence of poker. You shouldn’t only practice, you should also try to analyze your past games to better yourself. If you don’t analyze your play to see if you’re making mistakes, then there is no way to correct them and improve. And if you don't improve then there is no chance you can be the master of the game and win big money.

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€365 redeemable bonus. €365 bonus is redeemed in instalments based on Status Points earned. Tickets and prize wheel spins expire after seven days. Time limits, exclusions and T&Cs apply. For more information about this offer please visit the website.

10. Betting More Than You Can Afford

Keep in mind that you should never bet more than you can afford! When you gamble never play with money you can’t afford to lose. First of all, it’s an irresponsible thing to do and will also impact how you play. If you play with money, you know you can’t lose, you will be overwhelmed and won’t be able to focus on the game. Furthermore, you will be playing more passively, and you won’t be able to make aggressive moves. That means you’ll more likely lose at the end.

11. Not Using the Poker HUD

Have you ever heard of HUDs? It will help you a lot if you are playing online. The software will track your opponent’s stats and give you an insight into how they play. Even though some sites do not allow them, the ones that do it’ll give you a big advantage if you use one. We all know that when you play poker online it’s harder to track how people are playing. That is why HUDs are so useful. So next time you are playing at  bet365 Poker, try it out!

12. Playing With a Tight Range

The biggest reason why an overly tight strategy doesn’t work is the existence of blinds and antes. These can lead you to put in money without looking at your cards. It seems right to play tight ranges from earlier positions but remember: the closer you get the button, the looser you should be playing. That way you’ll play wise and don’ lose your money.

13. Playing With a Wide Range

On the other hand, if you play with a wide range, you also make a big mistake. It’ll only get you into trouble.
Most Common Poker Mistakes
Picture Source: Pixabay
In case your ranges are too wide you’ll soon become susceptible to bets from your opponent. So, if you want to be a good player you should avoid both tight and wide range.

14. Ignoring Your Opponent

One of the most common poker mistakes you should avoid is ignoring your opponent. When you are playing online poker in the UK, you may forget to keep an eye on your opponent. This can lead you to lose your game of poker. Of course, it's more important when you are playing live poker, because that way you may read emotions from your partner's face. This is why you should always stay emotionally stable through a game. And don't forget to check your opponents' faces and eyes, they can tell a lot. Being able to pick up on these tells, can earn you a lot of money. Why? Because in the long run, you can pick off bluffs you may not have called based on your hand.

15. Making Predictable Bet Sizes

The next tip is you are always bet certain hand values for the same sizing, a good opponent will be able to exploit you. Try to avoid predictable bet sizes! It’s rather important for you to have both strong and weak hands for each sizing you use in every situation.

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€365 redeemable bonus. €365 bonus is redeemed in instalments based on Status Points earned. Tickets and prize wheel spins expire after seven days. Time limits, exclusions and T&Cs apply. For more information about this offer please visit the website.

16. Math and Odds

If you really want to be a good poker player you have to realize that knowledge of maths and probability is a must-do. This knowledge is critical to success. Most of the poker players know the standard odds of drawing hands like straights and flushes. If you don't, then search for that information and learn it by heart.

17. Making up for Losses

Anytime you gamble chasing your losses is never a good idea. When playing poker it’s one of the most common mistakes you can do. If you want to be a professional player, who wins a big amount of money, always avoid this mistake. When you feel like chasing your losses it means that you are very emotional. And remember: you should never be emotional when playing poker. This is bad for any form of gambling but in poker, it's even worse. Whenever you feel too emotional, just try to take a break.

18. Slowplaying Strong Hands

This is also a common mistake e you can do while playing poker. A lot of players realize how strong their hand is but are afraid to bet in case their opponent folds. Well, it's not that you should never slow play at your hands. It's about not being afraid to bet them for value. When you have strong hands, you will want to have value from them.

19. Playing Into an Opponent’s Bluff

When you play poker it’s easy to get into an ego battle with another player. It’s not just unnecessary but it can also impact your game. Remember if you play a good, solid strategy you eventually will start to win against anyone who is currently giving you hard times.
Most Common Poker Mistakes
Picture Source: Flickr
Changing your strategy to play against your opponent to beat them is just playing into their hands and will cost you money in the long run. So, try to avoid doing it, and don1t get into an ego battle.

20. Not Calculating the Outs? This Is One of the Biggest Mistakes in Poker

In case you want to better your gaming style and win a lot of money playing at online poker sites in the UK, don't forget this. Calculating the outs, us very important when you play. Not knowing how many out you need to make your hand, and how much equity your hand has is a big mistake. This can cost you a lot of money. So always calculate the outs!

21. Consistently Defending Blinds

It’s also a common mistakes player often do. When you are getting good price to defend hangs in the blinds compared to other positions, you shouldn’t try to defend everything. Don’t go mad, just always think things through. Many players talk themselves into calling out bad hands when in the blinds they think that the discount is worth it. Instead of that, just try for example to increase your betting range. That way you will give yourself a chance to win the plot preflop.

22. Not Recognizing Opportunities

One of the most common poker mistakes among beginners is not recognizing opportunities. In order to move up next level and become a skilled player you need to play more than just solid poker. If you think about it poker is a game of relative values so don’t always need a monster hand to win. You just have to be better than your opponents.

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€365 redeemable bonus. €365 bonus is redeemed in instalments based on Status Points earned. Tickets and prize wheel spins expire after seven days. Time limits, exclusions and T&Cs apply. For more information about this offer please visit the website.

23. Playing a Draw on the Worst Board

Even though drawing to hands like straights and flushes can win you a lot of money, it has a disadvantage. There are certain moments where drawing and making those hands can cost you a big amount of money. If you draw very weak flushes when the hand is multiway it can be dangerous. why? Because some of your opponents may have better flush draws will end up costing you. so, try to keep in mind that too! Keep in mind these most common poker mistakes you should avoid, and you will easily better your game. And while practice don’t forget to visit bet365 Poker!

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