Hungarian Lottery Tickets Explained – A Lotto Guide


Posted: December 12, 2022

Updated: December 12, 2022

  • Ötös Lottó and Hatos Lottó explained
  • How does the Hungarian lottery work?
  • Hungarian lottery tickets explained

We dedicated this article to have the Hungarian lottery tickets explained. Therefore, if you wish to play the lottery from Hungary, do not worry. Because we are going to cover everything you need to know. Keep in mind that you can buy international tickets at online lotto sites in Hungary. You don’t even have to keep the ticket with you anymore. Because it is going to be saved in the digital database. Furthermore, the lottery will automatically upload your winnings to your account.

Therefore, you will be able to withdraw your winnings. Today we will talk about the available alternatives too. Since some readers might be unfamiliar with the Hungarian language, we will also translate everything. Therefore, Lotto Five and Lotto Six are going to be the main focus of this article. You will learn how they tax lottery winnings in Hungary and how to play comfortably.

Hungarian Lottery Tickets Explained

Before we would have the Hungarian lottery tickets explained. First, let’s talk about the history of gambling in Hungary. Because it is important to understand the local culture. Therefore, if you are interested in great details, please read the article. However, we are going to give you a briefing here. All in all, Hungary has always been open to gambling. However, we did reject participation when the industry was taken over by invaders.

Hungarian Lottery Tickets Explained
Picture Source: Flickr

Which hints at our refined morals. Later we re-established gambling when we took our industry back. At first, it was turned into toto, to prevent capitalism from forming. However, today we have a government-owned lottery called Szerencsejáték Zrt. You can legally participate in all forms of lotteries. Our laws do not prohibit international online lottery either.

Ötös Lottó

Let’s start out with Ötös Lottó. Which means ‘Lotto Five’ or ‘Fifth Lottery’. The reason behind this is the fact that the format is 5/90. According to TheLotter Blog, they draw Lotto Five every Saturday. However, there are four different prize divisions. This applies to Lotto Six as well. This was founded in 1957, and it still operates to this day. However, it has taken an online format as well. The easiest way to do that is by registering at Lotto Kings

The average winning on Lotto Five is roughly around 960 million forints (~2300000,00 EUR). We recommend you always buy one ticket at least a month when the jackpot is this high. Because even if you are skeptical, winning this Jackpot will win you a lifetime’s worth of wealth. Which the Hungarian Lottery tickets explained very well.

Hatos Lottó

According to Szerencsejáték Zrt, Hatos Lottó is roughly around 600 million forints. Therefore, Lotto Six has a slightly lesser value than Lotto Five. Why would you buy Lotto Six then? Well, the odds are simply higher. Therefore, Lotto Six has a much more frequency of winners than Lotto Five. The procedure is similar, if not the same. However, the difference is that lotto six has a 6/45 format.

Hungarian Lottery Tickets Explained
Picture Source: Flickr

It is drawn every Sunday. Guessing six numbers correctly out of 45 numbers is not even hard. This is why we have to have the Hungarian lottery tickets explained. Because if you believe that you will never win, then we recommend Lotto Six. However, if you feel lucky, then we recommend Lotto Five instead. The only difference is that the frequency and payout are different.

Alternative Hungarian Lottery Tickets Explained

There are two alternatives Hungarians may play. One is the famous Skandináv Lottó The reason why this format is extremely popular is due to the 7/35 format. This is peaking at 50 million Hungarian forints. Which is fragile compared to Lotto Five and Lotto Six. But it is super rare when the Skandináv Lottó has no winner. On top of that, you can always just decide to buy a Eurojackpot ticket

 Which is the easiest way to play international draws from Hungary. However, if you are from the United States, we recommend you read How to win a billion USD online. Because the US draws might be much more valuable for you. In conclusion, We have listed all of the available tickets. Therefore, let’s continue to have the Hungarian lottery tickets explained.

How do Lottery Taxes work?

Please read how Lottery taxes work. Once again, we are going to give you a summary that has the Hungarian lottery tickets explained. According to Piac és Profit, the Government and the company are going to collect the 16% value of your winnings. Therefore, they will reduce the tax on you once you have won. If you are not a native speaker, we want to highlight two words you need to get familiar with. Netto winnings mean that you win what you see.

Hungarian Lottery Tickets Explained
Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons

Because they calculated the tax into it already. However, Brutto’s winnings translate to ‘gross salary’. This means you will win that much amount minus the reduced taxes. If you are a foreigner who happened to win a Hungarian draw. We recommend you calculate 16% of your winnings. And if you see that missing at the payout? You were not robbed, they just paid your taxes.

Online Hungarian Lottery Tickets Explained

Now that we had everything about the Hungarian lottery tickets explained. Let’s talk about the coziest and safest solutions out there. Because you can hear hundreds of stories about lost winning tickets. Furthermore, cashiers might simply steal your ticket and give you a lost one. However, when buying an online ticket, none of these can happen.

This is why we heavily recommend you register at Lotto Kings and buy these tickets from them. Not only is it safe, but you will get to buy these tickets from the comfort of your couch. Isn’t that awesome?

Click here to try Lotto Kings here 

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