Members of Intertops can Earn Serious Cash Betting on the US Powerball

Posted: March 10, 2017

Updated: October 6, 2017

Want to play the lottery without buying a ticket? Betting on the US Powerball at Intertops offers members a great chance to make money.

The US Powerball lottery draws take place every week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This exciting lotto has become the largest in the US, frequently paying out sums worth tens of millions of dollars. If you’re looking to take part in the lotto but don’t want to buy a ticket, consider betting on the US Powerball number with Intertops.

What exactly does that mean? It’s simple. Intertops allows their members to place a bet on what number the Powerball will be with weekly draws. That may seem difficult, but in reality it’s quite simple. Members can choose whether the numbers will be between various sets. Whether you think the Powerball number will be between 1-5, 21-26, or 11-15, you have great odds to make money.

US Powerball betting gets even simpler

As if betting on the US Powerball number with one of the best online sportsbooks in the US wasn’t exciting enough, Intertops is now offering another great Powerball money bet that their members can make.

All players can now bet on whether the US Powerball number will be odd or even. That’s right. You’ll have a 50% chance to win, meaning a 50% chance you’ll earn a great cash prize!

That’s two incredible ways to play the US lottery without a ticket. Each bet offers players an incredible chance to make money. You don’t have to buy a ticket and make US gambling news to earn money with the lotto; just bet on the results!

Are you interested in betting on the US Powerball? If so, head to Intertops today to find a full list of their lottery betting options, as well as a massive list of US sports betting options.

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