Aussie Survey Shows Kiwis to be Poorer but Higher-Stake Gamblers

Posted: December 1, 2014

Updated: October 6, 2017

Decline in gambling in New Zealand over two decades may not mean more responsible gambling behavior, Australian study points out.

The Auckland University of Technology (AUT) has completed a survey on gambling among the New Zealand population. The results show that gambling has decreased but those who do gamble are spending more of their savings on gambling.

Though researchers agreed it was a good sign that gamblers stuck to one type of gambling, there seemed to be cause for concern. For, among the 6,300 people surveyed, there were a higher number of gamblers among Maori and Pacific people.

Also disturbing was thatthere were more people gambling who were either jobless and/or poorly educated. This could have punters in this category facing serious financial and social issues, according to the study.

Poker, casino and racetrack betting on the decline

The current survey indicated that, perhaps due to more stringent New Zealand gambling laws, only 80% of gamblers have gambled over the past twelve months. When compared to a smaller but similar survey carried out 20 years ago, 10% more New Zealanders gambled.
According to Professor Max Abbot, head of the research team, today a greater number of gamblers play online casino in New Zealand,as well asindulge in sports betting. Two decades ago more gamblers engaged in casino table games, lottery, poker and horse race betting

The survey concluded that, although overall gambling has decreased in 24 years or so demographically, a number of groups remain at risk. This means that the ‘levels of harm may not have changed appreciably’ Abbot deduced.

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