Donald Trump; 7 Reasons To Bet On Impeachment
Posted: May 23, 2017
Updated: October 4, 2017

With the bookies like Bet365 now giving Evens on Donald Trump being impeached by the House of Representatives, and 5/1 by the Senate following suit, the chances of him seeing out his first term in office seem to be dwindling so now’s the time to bet on impeachment and we can give you seven good reasons why you should.
1. The Leaks From Within
If you’re used to placing a bet on sports in the US you’ll know that team cohesion is all important when deciding who to back and one only need but glance at the news to know that team Trump leaks more than a bullet hole riddled sieve. This is especially embarrassing when most of the leaks directly contradict things the President and his staff have said in public. Congress might not like the prospect but you can probably bet on impeachment because they loathe appearing idiots more than being idiots.
2. The Midterms Ahead
The Republicans might have swept the boards in the general election but the reality of a Trump presidency has galvanized Democrats and a couple of years down the line the midterms are looking bleak and bruising for whole swathes of the red side of the aisle. Many of these on-the-edge Republicans will bet on impeachment to distance themselves from the car-crash administration hoping to appear as if they were held hostage by the man for whom they should be held responsible.
3. The Koreans At Large
If it comes down to a choice between a war with North Korea and impeachment you can bet on impeachment because Americans of the age so common in congress do not remember military conflict on the Korean peninsula with any fondness. Add to this memory the possibility of nuclear weapons use and it won’t matter how much red-white-&-blue star spangled bullshit Trump drapes it in, there’s just no way anyone in the US gambling news coverage this summer will be of anything else will be a winner.
4. High Crimes & Misdemeanors
To ask James Comey, director of the FBI, to stop investigating Flynn your national security adviser and your links with the Russians is bad, to then sack the FBI director when he fails to stop is worse, but to then admit that’s precisely what you did on national television is just unacceptable. You can bet on impeachment not because what he did was a crime, but just because it exposed the fact that US citizens will put up with anything like a mass of mindless sheep and made the nation a global laughing stock. And that’s Congress’ job.
5. His Daughter The Robot
Looking like the product of a Nazi breeding program or a Stepford Wife blank awaiting conditioning the plastic princess of the White House has already left her mark on her father’s Presidency. From the Syrian cruise missile strike to her ridiculous reality-defying remarks about Trump’s attitudes to women she’s just another facet of the lack of professionalism rife in the administration and one of the most visible reasons you should hit up Bet365 and bet on impeachment of President Donald J Trump.
6. His Wife The Hostage
Whilst congress will loathe the influence of Ivanka many of them will be only too aware of the Melania Trump issue. It does nothing for the gravitas of the United States when the first lady perpetually wears the expression of someone with a gun to their head, when the President seems to have an unhealthy sexualized view of his daughter, and when the first family behave like a fan-fiction episode of the Sopranos. You can bet on impeachment because even Congress won’t watch her suffer much longer.
7. The Best Reason To Bet On Impeachment? Trump Himself
Anyone in the US gambling laws of common sense would prevail and someone in his secret service detail would do the decent thing and rid the nation of the entire first family will probably be sorely disappointed. They’re all too busy with hookers anyway. However with Trump’s racism, sexism and stupidity still very much in evidence the chances are he’ll hang himself soon enough one way or another and leave even the Republican dominated congress with no choice but to bet on impeachment.