Donald Trump special bets for 2020. What will be the next surprise?


Posted: May 21, 2020

Updated: May 21, 2020

Of course, we all know who Donald Trump is. On January 20, 2017 he became 45th President of the United States. Before this, he was shining at the TV screens as a reality star. His mind-blowing decisions frequently hit people all around the world. And surely, gamblers could not refrain from placing bets on his next possible decisions. Especially if it is about Donald Trump special bets for 2020. The diversity of sites that the Internet offers us today only increases the number of bets on Trump’s next decisions. However, it is sometimes struggling to find the best sites to bet on Trump.  According to 1xbet, it is most possible that the next ban will be performed on abortion (4.0). However, due to Donald’s caring nature, LGBT and religious issues are also under consideration. (7.0 and 10.0 respectively)  He has gone through a lot on the way to become the President. He first became the part of a big project work in Manhattan. Then, in 1980 people recognized him as the city’s one of the best developers for opening Grand Hyatt in New York. And 2015 became the year, when he nominated his candidacy to run for the United States President post. Apparently, rich life experience does not always teach people tolerance.  

Image via Flickr

Of course, we all know who Donald Trump is. On January 20, 2017 he became 45th President of the United States. Before this, he was shining at the TV screens as a reality star. His mind-blowing decisions frequently hit people all around the world. And surely, gamblers could not refrain from placing bets on his next possible decisions. Especially if it is about Donald Trump special bets for 2020. The diversity of sites that the Internet offers us today only increases the number of bets on Trump’s next decisions. However, it is sometimes struggling to find the best sites to bet on Trump.

According to 1xbet, it is most possible that the next ban will be performed on abortion (4.0). However, due to Donald’s caring nature, LGBT and religious issues are also under consideration. (7.0 and 10.0 respectively)

He has gone through a lot on the way to become the President. He first became the part of a big project work in Manhattan. Then, in 1980 people recognized him as the city’s one of the best developers for opening Grand Hyatt in New York. And 2015 became the year, when he nominated his candidacy to run for the United States President post. Apparently, rich life experience does not always teach people tolerance.

Donald Trump special bets for 2020 on banning abortion

For now, abortions are still legal under US law. Moreover, according to a new rule, clinics workers are still eligible to discuss abortion issues with patients. However, the promotion of it and counseling are forbidden.

Some people love running from one extreme to another just as Trump does. He declares himself as being “strongly pro-life”, therefore, he considers this a weighty argument for banning abortion. Really weighty. Some of exception cases can be rape or when giving birth to a child threatens the woman’s life.

“Virtually every top Democrat also now supports late-term abortion, ripping babies straight from the mother’s womb right up until the moment of birth,” this is what Trump declared to an audience in Toledo, Ohio. So deep, right.

Around thirty states have already reinforced some sort of bans on abortion in their laws. Moreover, fifteen of these states focused on “heartbeat bills”. This can help in forbidding abortion on the pregnancy for more than six weeks. Currently, Trump is striving strongly enough to make it more restrictive in the states.

So, right now abortion became one of the most discussed issues and America’s main war-causing topic. And in this war, Trump seems not to give up. Therefore, Donald Trump special bets for 2020 are mostly directed towards an issue of abortion.

donald trump special bets for 2020
Bet on Trump – Image via Flickr

When acceptance suddenly becomes intolerance

Surely, Donald Trump special bets for 2020 would not be able to skip the topic of gay marriage. Moreover, it became the second most debated topic among the gamblers.

So, Trump is a very conservative guy and his personality reflects itself in many laws and bans we are aspired to reinforce. And his ideology about the marriage made him be against equality in marriage.

In his 2016 presidential speech, Donald Trump judged wildly mass shooting that happened in a gay club in Orlando and which killed 49 people. Moreover, his relative tolerance towards LGBT marriage in the beginning differed from other contenders. How did those strong speeches turn into the announcement of gay marriage bans? Apparently, it was only a surface of an iceberg and Trump’s 2017 tweet proved that. At that year he posted a tweet saying that transgender people should not be allowed to serve in the military.

What is the intention of Donald Trump banning porn?

Trump’s desire to sign a ban on pornography leads us to the thoughts of the reasons why he is focusing this much on this sphere. Most probably, Donald Trump banning porn will be another mystery of his life. Moreover, one of Trump’s proponents made an announcement about sexual harassment. The announcement said that sexually harassed people do not have to hesitate to leave their job.

However, the Trump’s previous sexual history kind of contradicts his current announcements and decisions. Well, he is full of contradictions which we are most probably not wise enough to understand.

What do Donald Trump special bets for 2020 decide for the hijab?

After taking a presidential office, Donald Trump realized he may no longer hide his intentions full of goodwill. He decided to make it more and more uncomfortable for Muslim women who wear hijab to live in the United States. A lot of attention he concentrates on the hijab inevitably also makes the public draw more attention to it, even though previously they did not. And currently he is working on the expansion of the “Muslim Ban”. After knowing about this ban, no wonder that you can find it among top Donald Trump special bets for 2020.

The Muslim ban can turn the women wearing a hijab to the easily recognizable targets now.

Maybe this is exactly what Trump was trying to achieve.

donald trump special bets for 2020
Trump – Image via Flickr

Gay adoption

Well, the president’s decision to ban gay marriage would eventually inevitably lead to the ban on gay adoption. Therefore, no wonder that we can easily find this issue among Donald Trump’s special bets for 2020.

At the moment, the administration of the president is running all the processes necessary to make the process of banning gay adoption smoother. Moreover, the administration is considering allowing companies to feel free to discriminate against LGBT people.

The president seems to be very proud of all the decisions he makes.

These rules are truly entertaining to place bets on. It is especially true in the case of Trump, where you never know what another benevolent decision will be. So, check online gambling sites in the US to seek for more news and place bets!

You can discover more about those bets here at 1xBet Sportsbook.

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