Malaysian Gambling Tax Revenue Windfall Enrages Muslim Politicians


Posted: December 22, 2011

Updated: December 22, 2011

Muslim politicians enraged over a 2.13% increase in gambing tax revenues collected this year over last, call for Sharia laws.

Selangor-led Pakatan Rakyat government revealed that the state managed to scoop up RM26.9 million in various entertainment taxes by the month of September. This figure represents a 2.13% increase over the same period last year.

According to online gambling news in Malaysia, Wong Koon Mun, MCA Selangor secretary and state assemblyman for Kuala Kubu Baru said that the increase in the entertainment revenue was largely attributed to the increase in the number of gambling centers and as well as illegal online casinos in Malaysia.

Wong blames Liu for the increase in gambling center and illegal cyber cafes activity. Liu is currently the head of the local government and according to Wong is failing to enforce Malaysian gambling laws to keep illegal gambling in the country from growing like cancer.

Wong commented: “Can he not see this problem or is he turning a blind eye towards these activities?” He went on to add that Liu failed to fulfill his responsibility and instead puts the blame on others stating that he has no authority to enforce the regulations.

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The Klang Valley counts thousands of illegal gambling centers and their customers are primarily students, adults and even senior citizens.

Wong continued to say: “Barisan National state assemblymen have repeatedly asked Liu to explain the rise of these illegal entertainment outlets, but he continues to lie by saying that this problem was caused by the previous BN government. In actual fact, the number of illegal gambling centers, cyber cafes and massage parlors have increased greatly after Pakatan Rakyat took over.”

“Liu had said that the Pakatan state government had not issued any operation permits, but why then is there an increase in entertainment revenue, and why is there an increase in the number entertainment centers?” inquired Wong.

He states that Liu has no control over this issue, and is trying to escape the responsibility blaming the previous state government.

Wong concluded: “This is extremely irresponsible of him. I urge Liu to explain to the public if he is either unaware of these centers, or if he has mismanagement problems, or any other reason so that the people can be aware of this problem. This is a serious social issue, and the Selangor government must take responsibility for this, especially Liu.”

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