Millions Won at High-Stakes Online Poker Tables This Week
Posted: October 27, 2012
Updated: October 4, 2017
Ilari Sahamies is up $803,000 in high-stakes poker, Jens Kyllonen down $425,000

Maybe it is due to the bad weather season in Europe, or just pure coincidence, but big money changed hands at Poker Stars high stakes cash tables. According to UK online gambling news sources, millions of dollars were in play.
So, let’s see who the top earners were this week! Finland’s Ilari Sahamies, also known as Ziigmund, profited by over $803,000 in one of the biggest winnings streaks of his career. The Finnish player considerably increased his Full Tilt and Poker Stars cash game profits to over $2.7 million dollar.
24-year old Ben Sulsky aka Sauce123 lost big time to Sahamies, but managed to end the week with a plus of $576,000. Young UK poker player Sam Trickett added another $434,000 this week to the massive millions he earned recently in the Big One for One Drop. And he is just 26 years old.
With the rakes not counted, poker is a zero sum game. Therefore there must be losers if there are winners. A player under the nick ‘fakelove888’ has gotten about $563,000 lighter. Among the pros with name, Finnish Jens Kyllonen lost $425,000 while the Norwegian Terje “Terken89” Augdal dropped over $392,000.
Well respected and feared names like Ben Tollerene, Phil Galfond as well as the player under the ‘patpatman’ nick all lost more than $200,000 this week in high-stake poker battles, allowed under the current British gambling laws.
Looking back at the year 2012, Sulsky is the most successful high stakes player at Poker Stars with combined winnings of $3.31 million. Ben Tollerene comes second with $2.25 million, with Phil Galfond in third with $2.11 million, followed by Jens Kyllonen on $1.92 million.
The biggest loser on Poker Stars year-to-date is an unknown player behind the nick “zypherin”, with a whopping $3.2 million loss so far. Zypherin is followed by the mysterious “patpatman” with losses of $2.72 million. The third biggest loser is and the mercurial Viktor Blom aka Isildur1, losing 2.47 million this year.
Danish pro Gus Hansen is about a million dollars lighter, similarly to Benny Spindler.