Most Popular Gambling Wishes – Why Do We Play?


Posted: June 9, 2023

Updated: June 9, 2023

  • What would you get if you’d hit the jackpot
  • Hermeticism & Philosophy on gambling
  • Most popular gambling wishes

These are the most popular gambling wishes. This means that I have collected the voice of the internet and made my hypothesis on human nature and gambling. In conclusion, I believe the way we gamble reflects the very meaning of human life. Because whether we want to admit something, the behavior of humans during gambling is obvious. Gambling professionals could make a living scamming beginners but they just want something more than money.

Gambling is fun, but it’s nothing without the people behind it. Recently I have written a post about gambling robots and using Elon Musk’s Neuralink for poker. In both topics I came to one conclusion; something is missing. We just can not watch the A.I. playing a poker match against itself. However, we love to see our favorite poker professionals playing. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple. Humans have something we often refer to as a spirit or soul. Whether you believe in hermeticism or not.

There is something that makes online gambling sites in the US funnier when we know that there are living users with us. This makes one wonder. What are the most popular gambling wishes? What do people want to achieve by gambling? Simply the serotonin of winning is not enough, and often they don’t know what to spend the jackpot on.

Most Popular Gambling Wishes

Before we begin I would like to highlight that you should always play with responsibility. Because many people enjoy high stake gambling as a hobby. For example, the famous Twitch streamer XQC has spent so much cash in casinos, he started a wave. This wave has made State Governors speak up in the United States.

But the thing with these celebrities is the fact that they can afford this expensive hobby. According to Today’s Golfer, Phil Mickelson has a habit of making high-stakes sports bets. But in his career, playing one day of golf can fix every debt. Always be mindful while playing and it’s important to have a gambling budget.

Security Is The Main Priority

According to Reddit, most people would buy themselves a house, food, or a lawyer and an accountant. What does this translate for you? For me, it says that the number one priority of humans is safety. Of course, scientists have already proven that this is our number one drive. Because our amygdala keeps on ringing us into an altered state of anxiety nowadays. However, something about survival and safety is our top desire.

Not a bottle of expensive alcohol, not a car, and not even the business of our dream. Everyone wants to settle their debts, buy their property, and secure their wealth. This means that the first gambling wish is safety. They want to sit down at the table and at least not lose their initial bet. However, we need to know how much we are willing to lose. That way we never really lose.

Community And Career – Most Popular Gambling Wishes

Another thing we notice when gamblers hit the jackpot is the strange sense of community. Because sometimes people go to poker tournaments without even spending any cash. The reason behind this is one of humankind’s greatest issues. It is loneliness and our wish to belong. Therefore, after participating in the WSOP. Soon the subculture will mold our social mask.

Most popular gambling wishes
Picture Source: Flickr

And if we find safety in our social mask, soon our brain and mind will start to assume this character. Therefore, the community is our second wish. However, to create a career, we create safety within a community. Therefore, we could say that Career is the number one wish of gamblers. For example, a new community is forming under the bet365 Fantasy Sport guide.

Exposure And Fame

We know that so far, there are two main wishes gamblers have. This is safety and community. This can add up to a career. But then what is the actual second most important wish for a gambler? On the throne of the most popular gambling wishes, we have exposure and fame. Often we wish to perform well in front of a camera, so we can receive possibilities. Furthermore, exposure will create a community under us.

In a way, some sort of a God complex is present in all human beings. And the way professional gamblers create their career reflects upon the macroscale of this phenomenon. According to Twitter, successful gamblers just place bets to prank each other. Are they having a gambling wish, or are they living someone else’s?

Challenges And Journey – Most Popular Gambling Wishes

Finally, we have the challenges and the journey. When we wish for an invitation to the WSOP. Do we wish for the opportunity to gamble and get cash? Maybe we just want to experience a magical journey. This wouldn’t go too far from human psychology.

Most popular gambling wishes
Picture Source: Wikimedia Source

Most of our young-adult generation grew up on television programs that developed episodic thinking in our minds. This system already reflects our nature.

Some people try magical ways to attract luck. Most of the time you can make your wishes come true with such hermetic practices. But generally, the ritual itself is just a language to request the divine to fulfill the wishes of the profane. Therefore, the third wish is a challenge and proof. A journey for us to become the main character of our story. Because professionals could just scam beginners, but instead they seek worthy opponents.

Where To Play These Games?

Now that you understand the human nature that creates the most popular gambling wishes. It’s important to understand that playing these games is not bad. All you have to do is not spend more than what you are not willing to spend against luck. If you prefer to walk the esoteric path, then check out our gambling tarot reading for July. However, if you are more down to earth, then I recommend you to just register at MyBookie.Ag Casino to play a large variety of gambling games. They have live casinos where you can play with a real human as a dealer. This is one of the greatest remote gambling experiences ever.

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