Online Poker Psychology – Handle Every Obsticles Easily With These Tips


Posted: December 29, 2021

Updated: December 29, 2021

  • Learn to observe every move of your opponents
  • Reverse psychology is key
  • Find out more about online poker psychology
Poker is like a foreign language with its terms and rules. Knowing them is one thing, but the dilemma starts and ends with reading the opponents well. With X-ray glasses, you could win each round without breaking a sweat. Sadly, this is not an option, but there are some tell-tale signs you can take advantage of, both live and online games. Even though at online poker, you don’t have the benefits of making eye contact or reading body language, yet we came up with a few helpful tips for online players. Noticing details about your opponents helps a lot, even in online games, but how does online psychology work? Subtle signs you give off during the game are a combo of involuntary and conscious acts. You have to give a convincing performance to make your decisions seem elusive while playing. However, too much of each can ruin the game for you. Just think about the western movies and the eyebrow signal. That meant a bluff right there. A poker table is full of signs, you just have to pay attention. Even if you don’t see the other players’ reactions, you can still pick up on some other things. As part of online poker psychology, you have to become a great observer, and plenty of information will be at your disposal. 

Time is the Essence of 0nline Poker Psychology

The bet placing speed is a tell-tale sign at online poker sites in the US. If someone is slow to react, assuming that they play only at one or two tables means uncertainty. It could also mean slow internet, but you need to determine that in the given situation. However, maybe it’s a trap, and they want you to believe that they are amateurs. For instance, if an opponent often hesitates before placing the bet could be a deception. If someone takes their time before a call, they want you to throw in the towel. If check-raise follows the call, it’s almost sure they have a monster hand. 
Online Poker Psychology
Picture Source: Pixabay
What if the players are fast? If a player quickly passes the blind (required licit) and then the flop (the first three cards), the cards are probably weak. Another option is that someone quickly opens with a small, even minimum licit, then with a solid raise, they can win the pot. The experienced players rarely use the pass or fold button, contrary to beginners or newish players. Against any player, who folds their big blind, you should raise the stake in the next round because you have a fair chance to win. Those who immediately increase the amount of money before the flop don’t care about your cards, and you should consider quitting the round if you don’t have a strong hand.

Knowledge is Power - The Betting Psychology

The amount of the bet, how much you raise, and why is the key in online poker psychology. Even experienced players can make the mistake of raising the same way in the case of good hands, but differently with weaker cards. The more you play, the actions before the flop and their combinations will give you a clearer picture of the opponents’ techniques. The common idea of the bet size is based on reverse logic, which says that a weak raise equals good cards and vice versa. If you keep this in mind, you can easily outmaneuver your opponents at Everygame Poker
Online Poker Psychology
Picture Source: Wikimedia Commons
If an opponent who always raises a healthy amount and calls on the flop, then check-calls you better quit. However, don’t forget that lower lever players believe that being cunning is the best online poker psychology. So they keep check-raising against the other players or provoke them for a big pot. If someone always passes at strong cards but raises by weak ones, you should remember them for future games. Their game plan is see-through and easy to read.

Reverse Psychology Works Wonders In Online Poker 

Reverse psychology works through the chat panel too. The point is that since people hardly ever chat if they have a winning, strong hand, you have a chance to spot it. In truth, even the blabbermouth players rein it back and grow silent, hoping to stay under the radar. However, if the same thing happens with the previously quiet players, who suddenly start talking too much, they probably want to distract you from their bluff. Another example of the chat window as an online poker psychology tool is the players who act superior.
Online Poker Psychology
Picture Source: Flickr
These players don’t want to make fun of themselves, so you have the upper hand if you bluff. You need believable logic and just enough hint for them to think that they are winning and stop trying to get better cards. Listening to your instincts is another option. Sometimes your intuition is the best tool in poker.

HUD - The Online Poker Psychology Tool

There are specific tools to help your decision-making process during a poker game. These are the HUDs ( head-up-display) software. They collect data about your opponents and display it for you during the game. The information keeps floating on the table or around the players for you to see the perfectly well. They also help you avoid common online poker mistakes. The HUDs are legal on most online sites, though you should make sure first. These tools make reading the signs much simpler. This poker software tracks your opponent’s game style and suggests the best strategy in the given situation. HUDs are gaining popularity, but some platforms allow you to use only their software. If you are serious about online poker, don’t hesitate to get this app. In the long run, having one of these is quite rewarding, and many of your opponents have probably already got one.

Practice Makes Perfect

Online poker psychology is not easy to pick up on at first, but give it time and practice as much you can. As you get more and more experienced playing poker, the routine will help to catch the tell-tale signs. The sizes and speed of the raises and considering the infos coming from the chat window will all come together. With time, you will be able to make decisions based on these pieces of information and signs alone. Though, keep in mind that telling signs are opponent-dependent. If a player plays unpredictably and doesn't fit into any of the categories we mentioned, make notes of his cards and results for next time. No matter where you play, signs are present. Hopefully, with our list of online poker psychology, you will be able to spot them and turn them to your advantage at Everygame Poker

You can discover more about Everygame Poker here 

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