The Perfectly Baffling Odds On The Conservatives In The UK
Posted: October 11, 2021
Updated: October 11, 2021
Johnson Talks Tough As Times In Get Tougher
Bet365 Has All The Odds On The Conservatives
Tory Party Conference Provides Few New Clues

Image source: NCVO London, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Boris Johnson’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester was an amusing piece of political theatre. Ignoring the manifold issues facing the nation he said very little of substance. By now, in any sane universe, Boris would be political road kill. In modern Britain he’s still as popular as ever. That’s why the odds on the Conservatives haven’t started to slide at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365. It something some can’t quite understand.
Political reality is a bit old hat now. Modern go-getting politicians don’t worry about such trivial matters. They simply make up reality as they go along and hope for the best. If the best doesn’t happen, they then just make up a reality where it didn’t happen at all. Hence Boris Johnson can continue to speak as he weren’t leading the nation to hell in a handcart. Indeed the odds on the Conservatives rather indicate most people don’t believe that’s the direction they’re headed in.
This is strange since most of the evidence points towards a very cruel winter for the UK. There are shortages and empty shelves, panic buying of petrol, spiraling energy costs and a lack of staff everywhere. Hardy indicative of competent government, is it? However, the great British public seem to believe the Tories when they point the blame elsewhere. Thus you’ll find the odds on the Conservatives at online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 aren’t changing regardless of crisis.
Boris Talks Of Leveling Up As Crises Mount
Brexit caused most of the problems Britain faces. That’s obvious. Well. Obvious to everyone except the Conservatives who blame Johnny Foreigner for everything. Brexit was, apparently, the fault of the EU, the driver shortage the fault of Eastern Europeans. Never bet on Boris Johnson or the Tories to accept reality. Bookies couldn’t give you long enough odds on the Conservatives admitting they’ve made a mess of it all. Brexit is a disaster and building back better takes time.
UK Election Odds
- Green Party Odds – 100/1
- Lib Dem Odds – 66/1
- Labour Party Odds– 15/8
- Conservative Party Odds – 4/9
If you can at all. Having listened to Boris at the conference the Adam Smith Institute called him “vacuous and economically illiterate”. They insist Britain won’t level up but down, and that inflation was inevitable. So why aren’t the bookies lengthening the odds on the Conservatives carrying the next election? You can still bet on the Conservatives at around 4/9 to win the most seats. For those who like to bet on politics in the UK that’s no bad wager. Labour get near 2/1.

Get The Best Odds On The Conservatives At Bet365
And perhaps that’s our answer. We ought to be able to bet on the Labour Party to make hay with all this, but they don’t. Under Keir Starmer they’re mired in their own misery. The bookies give odds on the Labour Party of that length because they’re just on form. Perhaps that’s why so many are still willing to bet on Boris Johnson despite his obvious flaws. The alternative looks worse. So as long as they do the odds on the Conservatives won’t shift an iota. At least not pre-xmas.
“Let’s get going.”
- Boris Johnson – UK Prime Minister.
Christmas may well prove tricky for Boris. Supply chain issues could ruin the whole mood, especially if panic buying kicks off again. It might. Britons do so love to queue. So another winter of discontent could lie ahead. That might just change those odds on the Conservatives. Anyone in the UK gambling laws of common sense will see the government head off these issues should get their eyes checked. It’s already too late, which is the odds at Bet365 are just baffling.
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We take a look at why the odds on the Conservatives in the UK don’t change even after they’ve made a complete pig’s ear of Brexit.