Tips To Become A Successful Professional Blackjack Player


Posted: October 19, 2023

Updated: October 19, 2023

We've all seen the movies where a blackjack player, thanks to their ability to count cards, is able to take the casino to the cleaners. They always end up with a huge stack of chips. But just how easy is it to become a professional blackjack player? Let's have a look at the qualities and hurdles you'll encounter on your way to making bank at the casino.

Blackjack stands as one of the most popular casino games, whether played online or in physical establishments. If you’ve ever indulged in the thrill of this game, it’s not uncommon to have entertained the idea of becoming a professional blackjack player. Although the world of professional gambling encompasses blackjack, you’ll soon discover, that this is no simple endeavor Continue reading as we uncover the essential steps and insights needed to embark on a career as a professional blackjack player. This includes potential earnings and valuable advice from seasoned players.

Can You Make A Living Playing Blackjack?

Many individuals approach the prospect of consistently profiting from blackjack with skepticism. However, it’s indeed a possibility, and numerous players have successfully realized their aspiration of being professional gamblers. Yet, this path demands a specific temperament and a remarkable level of dedication. In other words, it’s not an easy path to embark on.

What Can A Professional Blackjack Player Earn?

Answering this question isn’t straightforward, as according to online gambling news in the US, there is no standardised salary for a professional blackjack player. Unlike typical jobs, there are no regular paychecks, benefits, or employee perks in this line of work. Earnings are influenced by various factors, with many of them  being beyond your control. One important point to note is that your available bankroll will determine the stakes you can engage in, while your proximity to the casino will impact expenses. Of course, if you’re playing online at a casino like Bovada Casino, then the latter point is moot. 

professional blackjack player
Picture Source: Pixahive

Moreover, the nature of the blackjack game you play matters significantly. For instance, online blackjack tournaments differ greatly from one-on-one encounters with a dealer at a physical casino. Additional variables include the rate at which you can play hands, your chosen blackjack strategy, and your ability to sustain focus during extended sessions.

Somewhere, there’s certainly a professional blackjack player who’s managed to accumulate a substantial six-figure annual income. However, it’s essential to dispel any illusions of a Hollywood-style lifestyle; most pros earn just enough to cover their living expenses> They don’t reside in opulent mansions with supermodels and sports cars.

Becoming A Professional Blackjack Player: A Step-by-Step Guide

So, you’ve set your sights on a career as a full-time professional blackjack player. What are the crucial steps to initiate this journey? Here are the three fundamental steps you must learn to prioritise.

Money Management

While perhaps not the most glamorous aspect of professional gambling, effective money management is undeniably the linchpin of your success. Many promising professionals, whether in blackjack, poker, or other games, possess significant skills but falter because they can’t handle their finances. It’s imperative to establish a dedicated blackjack bankroll, separate from essential living expenses.

professional blackjack player
Picture Source: Flickr

Learning how to distribute this bankroll into unit stakes is critical for weathering losing streaks. No matter how skilled you are, if you deplete your bankroll, your professional aspirations will come to an end. Money management hinges on discipline, involving not only acquiring essential skills but also practising sensible financial decisions. Mental strength is vital to help you to endure challenging times without resorting to chasing losses. Not to mention the stamina needed for extended, level-headed, long playing sessions that stretch into the night.

Master The Game And Basic Strategy

Becoming a professional blackjack player requires more than just basic blackjack skills. It’s important to understand that various house rules may vary among casinos, such as restrictions on re-splitting aces. As such, it’s always better to strive to identify games with favourable rule variations. This includes options like surrender and dealers hitting on soft 17. Beyond the rules, mastering basic blackjack strategy is essential. Given that blackjack is a skilled game, there exists an optimal move for every situation.

By consistently making the correct decisions, you can minimise your losses and maximise profits, potentially reducing the house edge to as little as 0.5%. However, mastering basic strategy alone won’t guarantee long-term profitability, which leads to the next step. Prior to playing for real money, we suggest that you improve your knowledge of basic strategy by practising for free. Many of the best online casino sites in the US offer blackjack in demo mode, allowing you to cultivate good habits without risking your precious bankroll.

Learn Card Counting

The linchpin of profitability in blackjack is card counting, a skill often misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, card counting is not illegal; although you might be asked to leave a casino if caught. However, it’s not a criminal offence or cheating. Card counting is a learnable skill, akin to any other, that can completely reverse the house edge when combined with flawless basic strategy.

professional blackjack player
Picture Source: Pexels

This creates a situation with positive expected outcomes for you. Numerous card counting systems exist, with varying degrees of complexity. The choice is yours, but ample resources are available to help you make the right selection. A user-friendly starting point is the hi-lo system, known for its ease of mastery. Proficiency in this system will enable you to generate profits and establish a solid foundation before delving into more advanced counting methodologies.

Mastering Card Counting In Blackjack

In all card counting systems, the task at hand is assigning values to cards. You must maintain a mental count of every card dealt at the table, not just those in your hand. This “running” count offers a simplified overview of the deck’s status. However, for a more accurate assessment, as a professional blackjack player, you’ll need to convert this into the “true” count. The specific equation for this conversion varies depending on your chosen counting system. Nevertheless, when the true count is in your favour, it’s time to increase your wagers and capitalise on the opportunity. Conversely, when the count is unfavourable, you should either reduce your betting or consider moving to a different table.

Valuable Advice From A Seasoned Professional Blackjack Player

As a parting note, here are some essential insights from experienced blackjack professionals to guide your journey:

  • Avoid Tables with Blackjack Payouts Below +150 – Seek out tables where the payout for blackjack is at least +150 for a more favourable advantage.
  • Play in Games with Favourable Rules – Opt for games with advantageous rules, such as surrender and soft 17, to improve your odds.
  • Stay Alert and Sober – Never play when you’re fatigued or under the influence of alcohol, as your decision-making abilities can be compromised.
  • Choose Fewer Decks in the Shoe – Look for games with fewer decks, ideally just one, as this simplifies the card counting process.
  • Prefer Live Tables Over Animated RNG Games – Stick to real, live dealer blackjack tables rather than animated RNG games for a more authentic and predictable gaming experience.
  • Maintain Discipline with Your Bankroll and Counting Strategies – Never deviate from your predetermined bankroll and counting strategies to ensure long-term success.

Embark On Your Professional Journey At Bovada Casino

If you believe you have what it takes to become a professional blackjack player, the initial step is to grasp basic strategy. Begin by practicing at free-to-play tables at Bovada Casino to build your skills. This is one of the best online casino sites in the US, and as such will afford you a great learning experience. Once you feel confident and ready to face the pressure, progress to live dealer blackjack tables. Now you can put your new-found skills to the test in a real-money game.

Click here to try the live casino at Bovada Casino

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