Top 10 Insider Casino Tips From Readers On Reddit
Posted: April 8, 2024
Updated: April 8, 2024
Many casino players start to beleive that winning comes from luck and the methods used to bring Lady Luck to the table. However, because much of the gaming in a casino, whether online or odd, is the result of simple math, it's possible to always seek out the optimum playing strategies in the form of inside tips.

Many regular casino-goers have developed a set of strategies they believe casinos use to prevent them from leaving as winners. The interesting thing is that some of these notions actually hold true since casinos are businesses designed to maximize profits at the players’ expense. But rather than relying solely on rumors and casino myths, why not consult those involved in managing the games to uncover the reality and perhaps gain some insider casino tips to enhance your chances of winning? Simply ask those working in these establishments.
First-Hand Advice From Reddit
It’s no surprise that casino staff are the go-to source for insider casino tips and tricks, often willing to share their knowledge with curious patrons. One common platform for finding such insights is Reddit, where employees freely offer advice. To save you the hassle of searching through numerous threads, here at, we’ve gathered the most often-viewed tips into one convenient article. These insider casino tips provide valuable insights into navigating the casino environment and potentially increasing your odds of success, or at the very least, ensuring an enjoyable experience.
Don’t Play The Slots Next To The Bathroom
When you’re playing at a casino, always remember that the legal payout percentage is determined by the overall performance of the house, not by individual machines. As a result, certain slot machines, even if they feature the same games found elsewhere in the casino, may yield lower payouts than others. For instance, as previously mentioned, slots positioned near restrooms typically offer the lowest payouts because the casino anticipates that players will linger there while waiting for someone.
Insider Casino Tips – Use Your Player’s Card For Extended Sessions
Casinos use an Average Day Trip (ADT) calculation to assess your value as a customer. The more you spend overall, the better the perks and promotions the casino will offer you.

However, if you only spend a small amount, like $20, during a quick session, it could lower your ADT and result in reduced promotions.
Don’t Blame The Dealers For Losses
It’s important not to blame the casino dealers for losses. Many players mistakenly believe that dealers want them to lose since they represent the house. In reality, most dealers understand that players who win are more likely to tip generously. So, regardless of whether you’re winning or losing, it’s important to show respect to the dealer. Also, always appreciate the entertainment and advice they provide. Remember to tip them well and don’t fall into the trap of viewing them as adversaries. Just as with live dealers in the best online casino sites in the US like King Billy Casino, with the right approach, you’ll find them all to be friendly, chatty, and always ready to lend a helping hand.
Insider Casino Tips – Stay Away From Side Bets
We strongly advise that you avoid participating in side bets. As one casino employee on Reddit explained, “All side bets have terrible odds. Don’t engage in them unless you’re prepared to lose your money anyway.” This advice applies not only to insurance bets in blackjack but to all additional side wagers, even if the potential payouts seem enticing. So no matter what game you’re playing, be it roulette or blackjack, don’t be tempted by the possibility of a bigger payday.
Play Video Casino Games To Get Free Drinks Faster
Bartenders often have a clear view of the money you invest in video games. Therefore, if you’re playing at a casino where drinks aren’t automatically comped to all players, it’s a good strategy to insert $100 into the machine when you sit down and refrain from trying to flag down the bartender. Place small bets and give the impression that you’re settling in. Eventually, the bartender will likely approach you to take your order. Continue with small bets until they bring your drink, then tip them and cash out. You can repeat these insider casino tips at different bars within the casino.
Insider Casino Tips – Sign Up For A Player’s Card
According to online casino news in the US, one of the best insider casino tips comes if you’re planning a trip to Las Vegas, consider signing up for a player’s card. This can lead to instant room discounts. Room rates are typically 10-20 percent lower, depending on availability, for those with a player’s card. Moreover, if you stay and play at the casino, there’s a chance you could even get the room comped. This will be on top of free drinks, meals, and entertainment.
Believe us when we say that a player’s card is well worth the time to sign up for. On Reddit, there are many first-hand accounts of people leveraging player’s cards to reap rewards. Apart from receiving comps for rooms and meals, many loyal members also receive gifts like George Foreman grills, panini makers, pasta cookers, and other kitchen gadgets. As one Redditor humorously noted, “Bitches love paninis.”
Insider Casino Tips – Don’t Be Afraid To Ask The Dealer
It’s perfectly fine to seek advice from the dealer while playing at their table. Keep in mind that a big part of their training involves not only mastering the rules but also being friendly and helpful to newcomers.

Whether you’re curious about learning craps or deciding whether to split in blackjack, feel free to ask your dealer. Remember that they’re compensated regardless of whether the house wins or loses. That’s why you’ll find they’ll provide honest advice based on their extensive experience. Just remember to tip them for their assistance.
Feel Free To Consult A Strategy Card
If you’re concerned about making the right decisions in blackjack, consider one of the top blackjack insider casino tips is bringing along a printed strategy card. Most casinos allow these and may even encourage their use. After all, the casino wants you to stay and spend. If a card helps you to enhance your enjoyment and prolong your stay, then everyone’s happy. Just ensure that the strategy card is printed on paper rather than stored on your smart device. That’s because the majority of casinos have a policy whereby digital versions are typically banned.
Insider Casino Tips – Only Play Games With The Best Odds
According to insights gleaned from casino dealer AMA threads on Reddit, while blackjack offers favorable odds with optimal play, many dealers recommend playing craps for even better odds. We suggest that it’s probably worth exploring this game or seeking guidance from the dealer to improve your chances of success. Bear in mind that any information or gaming knowledge from brick-and-mortar casinos can be transferred over to online casinos like King Billy Casino. Learning a bit of strategy and how the odds function can go a long way in the world of online casinos.
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