Tory Party Chaos Makes A Bet On The Labour Party Sane Again
Posted: January 25, 2022
Updated: January 25, 2022
Two years ago, when he won the leadership with a dull 56%, most people bet on Keir Starmer not lasting long. Now he’s coming into his own as he leads the political prosecution of Boris Johnson’s government. So where once you’d not have even considered a bet on the Labour Party winning the next election, right now you have to. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 will give you relatively long odds on the Labour Party, which just makes them more tempting.

Image source: Sophie Brown, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Two years ago, when he won the leadership with a dull 56%, most people bet on Keir Starmer not lasting long. Now he’s coming into his own as he leads the political prosecution of Boris Johnson’s government. So where once you’d not have even considered a bet on the Labour Party winning the next election, right now you have to. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 will give you relatively long odds on the Labour Party, which just makes them more tempting.
It’s quite easy to forget that Keir Starmer isn’t really an empty suit. He might lack personality or pizazz but underneath he’s a professional. A professional lawyer. Not only was he a QC but also head of the Crown Prosecution Service once upon a time. That means he’s perfectly qualified to doggedly chase Boris Johnson as he skips from one excuse to another. That’s why you can bet on the Labour Party to make the most of the current Tory implosion. Keir knows what he’s doing.
Naturally, the odds of Keir Starmer coming up with the killer soundbite are quite long. He’s a lawyer, they don’t do snappy. Fortunately, he doesn’t need to. You can pretty much bet on Boris Johnson to damn himself. Indeed so much is this a given, Tories are openly talking about replacing him. Thus Keir Starmer’s job is relatively simple. All he has to do is stick to the point and bet on politics in the UK to work as it always has. Lie to parliament and you’re history.
Keir Leans Into His Former Life As A Very Good Lawyer
Now online bookies in the UK like Bet365 won’t actually give you odds on Boris Johnson having lied or not. You may think this a shame, but they’d be ridiculously low prices if they did. Boris’ mouth is guaranteed to prove his greatest liability. Keir Starmer barely needs to work at this. Just state, and restate, the facts then ask the PM to resign. Simple stuff and it’s working. The public’s perceptions is changing and so you can bet on the Labour Party to keep pushing this message.
UK Election Odds (Most Seats)
- UKIP – 200/1
- Green Party – 100/1
- Reform Party – 100/1
- Liberal Democrat Party – 50/1
- Labour Party – 11/8
- Conservative Party – 4/7
Selling the idea the Conservative Party is self-serving isn’t that difficult. Corruption scandals concerning “VIP Lanes” to government contracts and the redecoration of the PM’s home rumble on. Boris Johnson lying is just the cherry on the top you can bet on the Labour Party enjoying far too much. So whilst Bet365 and other online betting sites in the UK offer odds on a Labour Party majority of nearly 6/1, they’re worth considering. This isn’t a blip Conservatives will get over.

Bet365 Has Your Bet On The Labour Party
They’re likely to now squabble amongst each other over who takes over after Boris. This is quite a turnaround from when Labour embroiled itself in its own calamities. Now you can bet on the Labour Party to come together sensing the weakness in the Tory ranks. We’ve already seen one defection across the divide, will more come? They could. Hence we can now start imagining Labour winning an election again. MPs don’t swap to a party they think is going to lose, do they?
“Don’t underestimate the extent to which the Labour party membership want to unite about winning.”
- Keir Starmer – Labour Party Leader
After Jeremy Corbyn you’d not have bet on the Labour Party to bounce back this strongly. Boris and his shenanigans have helped, but Keir Starmer is proving leadership isn’t all personality. You might not think the voters are interested in calm professionalism and intellectual depth, but after Boris? You might just want to take advantage of UK gambling laws and check out the Labour Party odds at Bet365, because when UK voters demand change, they tend to overcompensate.
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We take a look at how after Boris Johnson’s silliness, you should probably seriously consider a bet on the Labour Party winning the next election.