Who Will Rule Westeros? Here’s What Online Sportsbooks Expect!


Posted: July 30, 2018

Updated: July 30, 2018

The last Game of Thrones season is coming next year, and the most important question is still open: who will rule Westeros?

And of course you can bet on the final outcome of the most popular HBO series ever. Bet on who will rule Westeros!

Not only fans of the saga, but online sportsbook news sites in the United States are also super excited about the ending season of Game of Thrones. The last season is supposed to premiere at some point in the first half of 2019.

Isaac Hempstead Wright Bran Stark
The face of the most powerful person in the franchise?

Will Bran sit on the Iron Throne?

According to the best online betting sites in the United States, the most likely scenario is for Bran to take over the Seven Kingdoms. The odds for Bran to rule Westeros are as low as 2.00. It might not come unexpected to some as there are many theories about his character, who might be the most powerful creature in Game of Thrones.

While many think Bran could be the Night King himself, it is also possible that he will just casually save mankind from extinction and decide to rule Westeros. Do you think Bran will rule Westeros at the end of Game of Thrones, or do you serve another one of the millions of fan theories out there?

Will Jon & Dany take over the Seven Kingdoms?

Before Bran’s powers were revealed, the most likely outcome for the end of Game of Thrones was either Jon or Daenerys to sit on the Iron Throne. After they hooked up, they joint forces even according to the Game of Throne betting lines, but still Bran has more chances as of today.

Jon Snow and Danaerys Targaryen
Will they rule Westeros together?

The odds for Jon to rule Westeros are 4.00, but Daenerys Targaryen has the same odds as well. Do you expect Game of Thrones to finish with a happy ending, meaning Jon and Deny gets married, gets children, beats mankind’s enemies and lives happily ever after? Doesn’t really sound like Game of Thrones, does it?

Bet on the Lannisters to take/keep the Iron Throne!

First of all, at this point it’s Cersei Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne. She learnt a lot from her father and she is probably the sneakiest ruler that exists. Can her political genius help her keep hold of the Seven Kingdoms, especially now without the help of her brother-lover. She’s all alone, but the odds for Cersei to rule Westeros are not too bad: 11.00.

Her opponents could be departing Jamie Lannister, who left King’s Landing upon learning that his sister went completely insane for her power. The odds for Jamie to rule Westeros are not too likely, he is rated at 34.00. Which makes sense: he’s a knight and not a king nor a ruler.

Game of Thrones Logo
Who will betray who in the last season?

However, his younger brother is a more interesting story. Everyone loves Tyrion for his sarcastic humour, but he has other abilities as well: he is really good with politics. And he survives everything. Will Tyrion betray his current employers in hopes of claiming the Iron Throne for himself? He has been a great Hand of the King as well as Hand of the Queen. Is it time for a promotion? The odds are 4.00.

Bet on alternative Game of Thrones plots!

If you don’t like any of the most popular Who will rule Westeros theories and betting lines, of course you can always go for alternative Game of Thrones plots. For example, you can bet on the Night King to take control of the Seven Kingdoms, which would probably be the most epic anti-happy end that one could imagine. The odds are 11.00.

Do you think any of the above mentioned Game of Thrones betting markets will happen at the end of the series? Do you plan to take advantage of these Who will rule Westeros odds? If so, then check out the latest review about Unibet Sportsbook first. If not, then you might have an alternative idea on how will Game of Thrones end. Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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