Malaysian Muslim Politicians Push for Sharia and Strict Gambling Laws

Posted: May 25, 2011

Updated: October 4, 2017

PAS party promises to ban all gambling in Malaysia once Pakatan coalition takes power, however other coalition members disagree

The Malaysian Islamic political party, PAS, comprises a third of the delicately balanced Pakatan coalition between Malaysian Muslims, Hindus and Chinese politicians. Earlier in the week, PAS promised to ban all forms of gambling in Malaysia.

PAS, which is widely supported by the Muslim majority, plans to declare Malaysia a Muslim Theocracy to be governed under Islamic religious Sharia Laws under which the Chinese, Hindu and Malay ethnic tribes would become second class citizens forced to pay a tax to their Islamic overlords.

Of course all forms of gambling will be punished in accordance with Islamic laws. The planned cancellation of the ultra popular Malay lottery (which only non-Muslim citizens are permitted to play) is making the normally calm Buddhists resort to violence. Pretty much all forms of gambling are forbidden to Muslim citizens who prefer to play at foreign based online casinos in Malaysia in the privacy of their own homes.

A compromise has supposedly been already reached between the three coalition members regarding the implementation of the Islamic state in only one of Malaysia's provinces. Once Pakatan takes over the Federal Government the concept will be implemented in stages to make the process of subjugation as comfortable as possible for all non-Muslims.

PAS president, Abdul Hadi Awang, commented: “The coalition has come to a compromise with PAS on the gambling issue. This is our pledge. If we hold the power, we will ban all gambling.” In other words Hadi Awang plans to implement the laws of his religion to govern a country, where millions of non-Muslims live.

At a recent press conference several Pakatan coalition leaders stated that in order to change Malaysian gambling laws, an agreement between all component parties must be reached. PAS vice-president, Datuk Mahfuz Omar was quick to react and said that any decision on national matters, including gambling issue, must be discussed and approved by all Pakatan leaders before any regulations are changed.

Secretary-general of DAP, another coalition member party, Lim Guan Eng, said: “Did he (Abdul Hadi Awang) say that? I don’t think so. It may be PAS’ individual policy but not Pakatan’s.” Prohibiting all forms of gambling remains one in a forest of points of difference between PAS and the rest of Pakatan coalition.

Recently PAS banned lottery ticket sales in Kelantan, the province under its control. Lim Guan Eng did not comment on the move and was quick to add that there is no ban on lottery in Penang and Selangor provinces.

Very few forms of gambling are currently permitted in Malaysia for non-Muslims. Muslims are not allowed to gamble for religious reasons. All forms of online gambling including online sportsbooks are banned in the country, and the only way for Malaysian people to play online is through foreign-based operators or drive to Singapore which is too expensive for the average Malay. Once the coalition takes power all forms of gambling in Malaysia may well be history.
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