Japan found to be Home of Legal Gaming Machines


Posted: March 25, 2014

Updated: October 4, 2017

The Gaming Technologies Association have placed Japan well ahead of any other country in the world in terms of the number of legal gaming machines installed throughout the nation.

The association’s ‘The World Count of Gaming Machines 2013’ international report found that there are 4,592,036 legal gambling machines, currently installed throughout Japan. Although placed second, the US was still a considerable way off with only 889,070 machines. Italy was third on the list showing 412,252 machines.

In keeping with the growing culture of internet betting in Spain, the Spanish have rose to fifth in the worldwide legal machine rankings while Australia, Germany and the UK were also included in the top 10.

Jurisdictional Figures

Japan also led the way in terms of individual jurisdictions, while the US featured twice with the states of Nevada being ranked fifth, and Oklahoma in tenth. California dropped out of the top 10 after finishing 10th last year.

New South Wales in Australia was the only other state or province to feature in the top 10 jurisdictions with all of the other inclusions being countries; indicative of the fact that Australians in the area tend to gamble the most worldwide, as recently reported in gambling news.

Eastern Asia was the geographical region with the most gaming machines installed, eclipsing Europe and Northern America in second and third place respectively. Central Asia had the least machines installed
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