5 Most Expensive Poker Chips Of All Time
Posted: June 12, 2020
Updated: September 5, 2023
What are the top-5 most luxurious poker sets ever?
Gold, ivory, and rubins were used for making them
The most expensive poker chips cost $7.5 million

Have you ever thought about the most expensive poker chips that are available for purchasing? You can check prices for some exclusive sets that are worth more than an average car. If you are not a collector, you will be really surprised!
Poker is not only the most popular card game at the online casinos in the US but also one of the oldest. For centuries of playing poker, many sets of cards and chips reflecting the spirit of the age have been produced. Some of them survived to this day and became a target for collectors. Apart from antique items, there are also some exclusive chips existing in one copy in private collections.
Like other completists, poker fans hunt for the most exclusive and rare sets, too. We have discovered the most expensive poker chips you can find on the Internet.
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Prices for the best sets start from $30,000
There is a wide range of exclusive poker sets in online markets. The cheapest start at $2,000, but we will not take them into account. We aim to show truly exclusive and luxurious sets that are difficult to find and easy to admire. Meanwhile, speaking about online stores: it is important to find a good one – as important as finding a trustworthy online casino. Read some tips on how to identify a reliable online casino to play poker and win money for the following sets.
Vintage Cartier chips and cards
One of the most expensive poker sets of chips costs around $30,000. Unlike all other sets on the list, its manufacturers didn’t use some exclusive materials or gems for making chips. Moreover, plastic served as a basis for them. Why is it so expensive then?
The Vintage Cartier Set is special for its excellent condition, which is a rare thing for old sets. Both cards and chips are brand new. Cards are also made of the same white plastic as chips, so together they form a harmonic collection. In addition, an original Cartier design gives it additional points (and extra charge for sure).
Chips from WWII times
A poker set from Germany of the WWII period is one of the most exclusive poker sets ever. Its box is made of hand-carved wood, while chips are multi-colored with Swastika signs on them. Experts found that the original set was almost 80 years old. Obviously, a few gamblers will play chips with the Swastika emblem. However, it is still a unique and expensive poker set that collectors can purchase.
You can also buy the one online after winning money on poker games. Check the list of casino bonuses that you can use to double your winning chances!
Another Cartier poker set
Years ago, Cartier made another poker set of cards and chips that is very valuable nowadays. Another collection from the French House is called Mother of Pearl and is made of hand-carved wood and pearl itself. The House of Cartier made chips from silver of 4 colors: yellow, white, black, and red. The price of the set is $30,000, which is more than an average new car!

Don’t you want to own meteorite-and-ivory chips?
One of the most expensive and unique sets of chips costs around $150,000. Such a big price is justified though: the set is made of real ivory and real meteorite! If you want to buy The Meteorite Poker Set, play casino games with big payouts and lay hands on this masterpiece.
Here are some more details about the set. It includes 120 poker chips, a deck of cards, and five dice. Natural bones of an ancient mammoth serve as a material for all dice. However, the material of poker chips is even more exclusive. Manufacturers used almost a 1-million years-old meteorite which fell in Sweden to carve chips. Its iron served as a base for all poker chips in the set. In addition, all of them are decorated with gems on their sides, which makes them look even more luxurious.
The Meteorite Poker Set is definitely the most unbelievable one, but it is not the most expensive ever. What poker chips are even more valuable?
The most expensive poker chips set costs millions
The world record of the most expensive poker chips belongs to Geoffrey Parker. In the 1960s, the UK manufacturer made a luxurious set of poker chips worth more than $7.5 million! This is the most expensive set ever made and this record is unlikely to be beaten soon.
There are 384 chips in Parker’s set. The manufacturer from London made them all of an alligator as a basis, white gold, and diamond decoration. In addition, every chip code has a different color and exclusive gem as a decoration. Thus, they covered blue chips with sapphires, red ones – with gleaming rubins. White chips have a white diamond decoration, black ones – black diamonds. Finally, Parker encrusted green chips with beautiful emeralds. The dealer’s chip is also worth big money. Geoffrey Parker made it of an 18-Carat white gold and two diamond sets on its edges.
Yet this is the most expensive poker chips set, it is not as exclusive as you think. Every gambler can order a similar one but is free to choose his/her own design of chips and cards. To buy such a set, you have to wait almost a year and be ready to purchase it for $7.5 million. Fortunately, you can win this money at Bovada Casino, so a chance to afford this collection is a question of time.
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