German Online Poker Player With USB Virus Cheated Pros for Millions


Posted: November 3, 2011

Updated: October 4, 2017

A German online poker player has been accused of secretly infecting the laptops of known online poker players during live tournaments.

According to online gambling news in Germany, an online poker player and a native of Germany, has figured out a perfect scam which has in the past eight months allegedly enriched him by at least two million euros.

The gregarious youth, known as Max, decided to take a shortcut in learning how to play poker by completely eliminating both the skill and luck factors when playing online poker in Germany.

The youth allegedly acquired a state of the art computer virus (aka: Trojan or malware) which was concealed within a stripped down version of a USB memory stick.

The USB memory stick is used by computer owners to quickly transfer information and resembles a cigarette lighter. After completely taking the plastic housing of the USB stick apart, a gizmo the size of a small finger nail was left attached to hidden wire.

Armed with such a device, young Max used his honest face and naïve smile to worm his way close to the laptops owned by known online poker players while they were playing live tournaments inside traditional casinos around Europe.

A flick of a finger was all it took for a laptop to become infected. The infestation immediately created a secret backdoor which young Max exploited during future online poker games at foreign based online casinos in Germany.

The virus allowed Max to see the hole cards of all players whose laptops he infected thereby completely taking out both luck and skill out of online poker.

By the time the virus was detected and IP addresses of the intruder were traced, Max was nothing but a distant memory except for those unfortunate online poker players who were targeted.

During the eight months that the scam was operational, Max successfully withdrew at least two million euros from the online poker rooms which were never compromised.

Based on recent prosecutions, if convicted, the poker hacker is likely to face at least half a dozen years in a German prison, where his youthful looks will definitely not improve his situation.

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