The Perfect Method to Win at Horse Racing – Bill Benter, a Man Faster Than Horses
Posted: November 26, 2019
Updated: December 23, 2022
Early years of the carreer of Bill
Professional gambling by mathematics
Benton shares the fundamental of his method once retired

Image source: Wikimedia Commons
After achieving the perfect method to win at horse racing, William Benter decided to retire. He shared some fundamentals of his algorithm. As a philanthropist, he spends a lot of money on charity – he has the potential to do so making an average of $5-$10 million during a single day.
A portrait of William “Bill” Benter professional gambler, physician, lecturer, and philanthropist. A method of learning by trying and perfecting a product.
The early years of his career
At elementary school, it was already obvious that Benter has outstanding skills in mathematics. While many talented mathematicians decide to choose a career of research or teaching, Benter chose to put his skills into more practical directions – to make money. After receiving his degree in physics, he started his professional gambling career counting blackjack in Las Vegas. Soon he was known in many casinos and escorted out as soon as he tried to enter.

Finding an area where professional gambling is possible without recognition
However, seeing his success in blackjack, Bill didn’t lose his appetite towards gambling. He had to find a place where he can stay far from cameras and bumpers. That’s how he found the field which led to developing the perfect method to win at horse racing. Online sportsbooks in the US are a great opportunity to have multiple accounts and test your methods in progress. To play with the odds that 1xBET Sportsbook offers, check the link here.
In the year of 1984, he joined forces with another physician named Alan Woods and they moved to Hong Kong where horse racing is a religion. Their first algorithm was handling 16 variables including the horse’s previous finishing in races, their preferred surface condition or even the weather. You can find the fundamentals of the perfect method to win at horse racing here.

First time’s fail – the way to establish the perfect method to win at horse racing
Benter started to test this model and found out that it’s not working. He went bankrupt and had to move back to the US. After collecting some funds he returned to the Mecca of horse racing. He said: “The general thrust of model development is to continually experiment with refinements of the various factors.” Managing to collect some money from blackjack he returned to Hong Kong with a few hundred thousand dollars and was able to gain $600.000 in the first year.
The next milestone towards building the perfect method to win at horse racing was using the Jockey’s club’s publicly available betting odds with his system. Today you can easily reach betting odds trough online gambling sites in the US. In the season implementing this new feature, he made about $3 million.
Furthermore, Bill realized that his model is working with publicly available information. If you are betting on horse racing you must know that insider information is gold. If you have a Jockey friend who can tell you how was the horse in the last few days, that can be pure gold. Somehow he managed to add the factor of lacking insider information to his algorithm.
Hardnesses around 1997 – China to ban betting by phone calls
In 1997, Hong Kong went under Chinese authority. The new regime banned gambling by phone wich made everything more complicated. At this time, Benter grows into a big company working with many programmers, professional gamblers, analysts, and people who placed the bets. As winnings from gambling were tax-free, companies’ profit wasn’t. Since the prize money for winners was compiled by the loss of other gamblers so they were trying to keep the algorithm as a secret. As they had to present personally this became more complicated.

The company was renting hotel rooms next to betting shops. A few minutes before the game started they printed a pile of betting tickets. Then they run to the betting shop with a bag of money and fed tickets to the terminal. As online gambling sites in the US present multiple options to bet anonymously through a computer, it’s very easy to skip this problem. Check out the betting odds at 1xBET Sportsbook for horse racing.
Retirement and charity activities after making the perfect method to win at horse racing
The perfect method to win at horse racing was ready at this time. Banning phone call bettings was not a tremendous problem. In 2001, there was a huge jackpot worth about $13 million at a single bet called Triple Trio. The point of Triple Trio is that you guess the three winners of three consecutive races. As there are more than 10 million possible combinations, winning this prize was the biggest success of the algorithm so far.

Benter agreed with his associate that they are not going to claim this ticket. If nobody claims the jackpot, they will share it for charity purposes in Hong Kong.
William Benter is retired now, after all, his company and his horses are working for him. He’s running many charity programs and giving lectures about statistics all around the world at big Universities.