Top Seven Halloween Events Around The World

Posted: October 21, 2014

Updated: June 4, 2017

There are celebrations and events for Halloween being held around the world and we present you with our seven choices for wherever you may be.

Across the world the Halloween spirit is upon us and we shall happily watch our children chomp their way through enough candy that become they are in-danger of turning into human piñata, we will smile conspiratorially at neighbors we usually barely grunt greetings at in the street, and dress in impractical outfits to show our willing and joyful participation in this bizarre mixture of pagan traditions, the christian faith and rampant capitalist consumerism.

7 Best Halloween Events

• Heavy Metal in Beirut at The Back Door
• Creepy walks through Rome
• Charity events popular at Halloween

From pumpkin seeds roasting on the fire to the smell of the pumpkin itself browning nicely under the grill there’s a smell and flavor to the holiday that evokes so much childhood memories in each of us that it is very hard to resist joining in, or worrying about the damage it might be doing to our children’s teeth. We are drawn to participate like a player in a UK poker room holding pocket rockets, our investing time and money in the event a certainty.

And with the world growing ever smaller year by year (as ebola is proving quite nicely) there’s an ever greater chance you won’t be spending Halloween at home this year. So we’ve taken a quick look at the events being held in cities across the world in order that we might present you with a list of our seven picks of the bunch to entertain you and your family this Halloween. Some might not be for all, but all are for someone and that someone may be you.

Top Seven Halloween Events Around The World

1. Las Vegas will hold its 5th annual Halloween parade with any and all costumed characters invited to progress from East Fremont and 13th street from around 7pm on October 31st although one is advised to turn up well in advance of that, both if taking part or merely looking to get a good vantage point for this veritable spookfest. The parade progresses Downtown along Fremont Street East so grab the kids and watch this passing spooktacular.

2. Macau, meanwhile, will have a Halloween Zombie Carnival in the Macau Tower Outdoor square (noon till 6pm, come hungry for brains) that will have all the fun of the fair and culminate in a Halloween parade by the Arts troupe from the Macau University of Science & Technology who will entertain with music, song and, of course, dance until around 8pm. Proceeds are to be given to Orbis an international charity involved in sight-saving and treatments for blindness. So it’s all in a good cause and all jolly good fun to boot.

3. London will have it’s fair share of events with perhaps the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens Fire Festival being amongst the most interesting. This impressive fiery celebration will this year include a rock opera, fireworks, artistic performances with fire and indeed the usual selection of seasonal refreshments that will almost definitely include the all important mulled wine. The bonfire will be lit at 6:30pm on the 31st to kick off proceedings.

4. In Berlin the Kulturebrauerei (literally brewery of culture) will be staging another of its now legendary Halloween costume parties. Spread over nine whole dance floors this creepy extravaganza is almost a must if you’re in town. With musical genres from R’n’B to House, Rock to Pop and a live performance by the much celebrated German coverband “Right Now”. Doors open at 10pm and it’ll cost you around 10 EUR to get through them, expect insanely long costumed queues for this one.

5. Rome is so littered with history that Halloween is probably best celebrated by staying mobile betting you’ll have more fun than at merely one venue. The urban trekking scene has capitalised on the locality for the night and you’ll find quite a few different tours that will walk you through some of history’s most brutal and bloody locations as the witching hour approaches. Comfortable shoes are an absolute essential and the faint hearted shouldn’t be tempted.

6. Well known for its ability to party Sydney isn’t to be left out with the Halloween Party Cruise on the night itself, a three hour boat ride around the harbour that will have you chewing your own liver out in fear competing squarely with Ghost Night at Old Government House that offers a candle lit tour and sumptuous meal. The kids are better catered for on the 1st with both the Halloween Fest in Olympic Park and indeed perhaps the 4th annual Zombie Walk that raises awareness and funds (humorously) for the Brain Foundation.

7. Beirut will see its fair share of celebrations with my own personal pick being the Halloween party at The Back Door that promises to be a veritable feast of heavy metal with live performances from Candlends, Highway 69 and Rebellion, sets from Djs Hardkilla and Junkboxx plus on the spot body painting for those of you that forgot your costume. Doors open at 8pm and it’s totally gonna rock.

So there you have it. A few ideas for all you jetsetters out there that might find yourself away from home this Halloween, and whilst you could always try your luck on an online gambling site in the UK from your hotel room there will always be something, wherever you are, to give you a spooky time this Halloween so check out the local listings and see what’s on offer, you might be pleasantly surprised at their take on this world wide festival of the dead.

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