Bet on Donald Trump to Welcome Wild Boars Team at the White House

Posted: July 19, 2018

Updated: July 19, 2018

Following an event that united the world, the Thai cave rescue, would you bet on Donald Trump to welcome Wild Boars team at the White House?

On the 23rd of June 2018, the Wild Boars Thai football team entered Tham Luang cave in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Unfortunately, 12 boys aged 11 to 16 years old and their coach were trapped inside due to heavy rain and cave flooding.

The Wild Boars
The Wild Boars soccer team

In order to search for the boys, the world came together with specialists flying in from 7 countries: Australia, Britain, Japan, China, Myanmar, Laos and the USA. After 9 days of not knowing their fate, the Wild Boars team were found alive. 9 days later, the rescue operation finally helped all 13 people out of the flooded cave on July 10.

Afterwards, Thailand and the world media celebrated this success. Do you think it’s possible for Donald Trump to welcome Wild Boars team to the White House as a way of celebration? This is the most recent special bets that Unibet Sportsbook offers. Be sure to check out our article for more Donald Trump betting specials!

Betting Odds for Donald Trump to Welcome Wild Boars Team

Before the end of 2018, the odds are at 6.00 for the Wild Boars team to visit Donald Trump at the White House, according to internet gambling sites in US. After all, the US president acknowledged the miraculous event via Twitter on July 10.

Donald Trump tweeted:

On behalf of the United States, congratulations to the Thai Navy SEALs and all on the successful rescue of the 12 boys and their coach from the treacherous cave in Thailand. Such a beautiful moment – all freed, great job!

Donald Trump

It would not mark the first time for Donald Trump to welcome Wild Boars team. According to online gambling news site in US, the boys have been invited to numerous football tours including the FIFA World Cup 2018. However, they were too ill to attend on July 15. In addition to this, Manchester United and Benfica publically invited the Wild Boars team to visit their football clubs. Would Donald Trump do the same?

Donald Trump’s Presidency Status After 2018

If you are betting on Donald Trump to welcome Wild Boars team at the White House, why not also wager on his presidency status? Most people would say Donald Trump will still be the President of the United States of America come New Year’s Day 2019. However, the best online betting sites in the United States also offer the opposing odds at 9.00 because there are just too many political tensions surrounding President Trump.

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