Gambling Symbols Explained – The Story Behind Lucky Icons


Posted: April 13, 2022

Updated: April 13, 2022

  • The meaning behind lucky symbols
  • What and why do you see on cards and slots?
  • Gambling symbols explained

We dedicate this article to having the gambling symbols explained. If you are wondering why some of the symbols are showing up in card games and slot machines, then this will answer all of your questions. If you are visiting the online casino sites in the US, then you probably have already seen all of them. But did you understand their meaning? If not, worry not because we are about to explain gambling symbols to you.

Gambling Symbols Explained

If you are here because you want to have the gambling symbols explained, then we dedicated this article to help you. However, if you feel like you’re missing something then you should check out our other articles, such as the 7 luckiest gambling symbols. Some of them you will find in this article too.


According to folklore, a four-leaved clover is one of the main symbols of luck and well-being. Because each leaf represents one of the following: faith, love, hope, and good fortune. These are all wholesome sensations and feelings. Therefore it is natural that we assume these traits together with luck. This is the main ideology adopted by St. Patrick of Irish culture. And probably gambling took the inspiration from St. Patrick’s tale. Therefore, if you hit a Lucky Clover, you can be sure that you are winning.


The acorn is one of the most powerful symbols in gambling. We can see this symbol appearing in both slot machines, traditional and modern card games. But what is this all about acorns? Well, Acorns are connecting several cultures and religions.

Gambling Symbols Explained
Picture Source: Pixabay

Because they have one thing in common: An Acorn is a symbol of luck, power, protection, and prosperity in all of them. This probably originates from scavenging berries at the beginning of humankind. However, the main religion that began to utilize Acorn is the Norse Mythology. Because it powered Thor, and Ratatoskr was carrying acorns while sending messages back and forth. It is a symbol of power, safety, and prosperity according to the GemmaJ. And this is what we all wish to achieve during gambling.

Number 7 – Gambling Symbols Explained

If you wish to have gambling symbols explained, then probably you should start with understanding Number 7. This number is everywhere in literally all forms of gambling, but why? We explained this in several of our articles. And you can learn about the Number 7 in Gambling easily. To summarize, if we cut magical thinking we come to realize that Number 7 is a probability that is for some mathematical reason an off-balance in sequence. Therefore, the Number 7 has a higher probability than any other number to be a result if we are talking about a 10 range scale. Humankind used the number 7 to explain the philosophy, religion, politics, and all sciences. We have 7 deadly sins, 7 days of the cycle, etc. Therefore, the 7 cycle is one of the best explanations for the lucky power coming with the number.


The symbolism of dragons originates from ancient Chinese mythology. They have several deities in their religion ruled by strong entities. One of which is Ao Kuang for example, the dragon of the golden lake.

Gambling Symbols Explained
Picture Source: Flickr

In ancient Chinese culture, people especially those living away from the capital used to pray for these dragons to bring fortune. This is why it isn’t rare to see dragons appearing during gambling.


We are here to have the gambling symbols explained. Therefore, one of the most common things to see during gambling is the symbol of fruits. But why is that? Many people might think that it comes from the fact that fruits are juicy like a reward. Or that it is because humans are attracted to berries by nature. But in reality, back in history, there was a time when they banned paid slot machines. Therefore, casinos experimented with replacing money with fruits. When the slot machines were reintroduced to the market, they used fruit symbols to represent the temporary fruit solution. This is why we associate fruits with luck.

Bells – Gambling Symbols Explained

Bells are one of the weirdest symbols to see when we are gambling. It is one of the most confusing things when we want to have gambling symbols explained. Therefore, to help you understand the meaning behind the bells. It is not religious and isn’t tied to the bells of the church.

Gambling Symbols Explained
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It originates from the very first slot machine invented by Charles Fey, called the Liberty Bells. According to ThoughtCo, this symbol became popular among gamblers in 1907 when everyone wanted to try out this new invention that was not digital yet but used automated metal pipes to spin reels.


The horseshoe is one of the most recognized symbols of luck, especially in western culture. When we have the gambling symbols explained, it is one of the most basic symbols to mention. The horseshoe represents luck due to the Christian tale about St Dunstan. This is why this symbol is often appearing in countries where Christianity was a dominant religion in history. According to the Catholic Herald, he placed horseshoes on the devil. This is why it is one of the main symbols of luck in our culture.

Jin Chan + Pu Tai

If you are frequenting retail or online casinos, then you probably have seen Buddha before. This is one of the reasons why we need gambling symbols explained. Because everyone calls that figure Buddha, but in reality, it isn’t him.

If you see a golden, chubby man with three legs, it is the representation of a monk who was representing Zen Buddhism in China. According to the western views, if you rub the bald head of the statue, it will bring you luck and prosperity. This is not how Buddhists are viewing gambling or wealth, however. Our recent article called Thai Monk Won The Lottery is explaining everything you need to know about how Buddhism views gambling. And under what circumstances Monks are allowed to participate. In reality, Jin Chan means “Three Legged Toad” and according to Chinese legend, it brings prosperity. This symbol is confused by different cultures.

Where To Play Online Casinos

If you are interested in a casino where you can find every symbol. Then you should visit 888casino. They are one of the most diverse casinos. Because you can find all types of casino games to play, inspired by the history of gambling from all cultures around the world where gambling is legal.

Click here to stay tuned with 888Casino

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