Brits Better Bet On Brexit Becoming Better Because Of Boris
Posted: December 7, 2020
Updated: December 7, 2020
Boris Johnson And Ursula Von Der Leyen Discuss Detail
Find All The Odds You Need To Bet On Brexit At Bet365
On Again Off Again Negotiations Go Down To The Wire

You can always bet on politics in the UK to get worse just when you believe it couldn’t possibly do so. In 2020 that’s twice as true. Britain already had problems. Now it has another. Boris Johnson is taking over the stalled Brexit negotiations. So you can now bet on Brexit to go from bad to worse. Bojo is not a born diplomat. Indeed, he’s the reason diplomats exist. That’s probably why online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 instantly saw the odds on a Brexit deal slide.
Michel Barnier, the chief EU negotiator, and David Frost, his UK counterpart, had enough on their plates. They must resolve a number of outstanding issues, most of which are lynchpin. Negotiations have broken down several times over them. Both sides are playing hardball. This is no place for an amateur. That’s why Boris Johnson sticking his oar in is very alarming. He may have bet on Brexit at the polls and won through, but it doesn’t mean he understands the process.
One only need glance at his record as Foreign Secretary to get an understanding of his diplomatic skills. So many gaffs he could have been a landlord. If he makes as much of a dog’s breakfast of Brexit I’d not bet on Boris Johnson surviving as PM. The odds on the next UK PM already favor Rishi Sunak. The Tories may take the hint. However, in the meantime, he’s still in charge. So you can probably bet on Brexit like you would bet on sports in the UK if they were run by maniacs.
Boris Takes The Reins Of Brexit Negotiations
No one who understood the legal aspects bet on Brexit going well. The negotiations proved them correct. Britain is seeking compromise over both fishing and standards divergence. Hot button topics, alas, with the French. They’re already threatening to veto the deal. This does not bode well. There may possibly be a way of solving both issues, but getting there will prove difficult. Especially as the UK returns to the controversial Internal Market Bill like a moth to a flamethrower.
UK & EU To Sign Deal In 2020
- Yes – 4/9
- No – 7/4
- Check it on bet365…
Ignoring international law does not endear anyone to international negotiators. It also means you can bet on the EU sticking to its guns over standards. They want the UK to keep up with their standards. So cheap substandard UK goods don’t flood their markets. That’s understandable. But don’t bet on Brexit negotiators taking the UK’s word for it now. They want guarantees. They don’t want the UK gambling laws created now can simply be magically ignored entirely later on.

Bet365 Has The Best Odds For A Bet On Brexit
The chances are, of course, that they’ll toe punt all this into the long grass again. That was always an option. An extension to the transition period is perhaps the easiest way to avoid a messy new year. Still, you should never bet on Brexit to go smoothly. The odds on Brexit suddenly turning from trial to triumph are ridiculous. Even with the dubious personal assistance of Boris Johnson. So the alternative is it all going disastrously wrong in a cloud of populist pomp and circumstance.
Transition Period Extension
- Yes – 5/1
- No – 1/8
- Check it on bet365…
In 2020, this is not hard to imagine. It would surprise upsettingly few people if the UK were at war with France by Christmas. Not that you can find odds on war with Europe at online betting sites in the UK like Bet365. Unfortunately. Still, you can get good odds on Brexit going either way, even if you can’t get good odds on Boris Johnson helping. The fate of the nation may hang in the balance but if British politicians are going to bet on Brexit why should you do it too?
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Boris Johnson is wading into the negotiations so should you prepare to bet on Brexit getting even worse than it already is?